Good Friends are Hard to Find

Patrice McCormac
1 Samuel 18:1-23:29

If we want to have good friendships, we need to choose to be a good friend! Through studying the deep friendship between Jonathan and David in 1 Samuel we see many elements of true friendship. Good friends are faithful to promises, willing to warn of danger, speak well of others, and ultimately pursue a friendship that is centered on God and advancing his purposes! \r\n

Bonhoeffer - Community Under the Word

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:14

Dietrich Bonheoffer, a leading figure in the Christian church in Nazi Germany, became the director of the Confessing Church's underground seminary. During his time there, he lived with a dozen or more Christian men in community, something that resembles Xenos' ministry house model today in some ways. From Bonheoffer, we can learn keys to rich community, including being wary of romanticizing community and being watchful that we are living under the word in this area. This means that in the context of community we are practicing confession, thankfulness, self-control, and humility.

Back to Jerusalem

Dennis McCallum
Acts 21:1-22:29

Paul embarks on his return journey to Jerusalem and encounters believers praying for him and concerned for his safety, knowing he will encounter opposition in Jerusalem. However, Paul knows that the Holy Spirit is leading him back, and is willing to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus.

The Ephesian Experience

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:22-19:41

Paul enters Ephesus, and by reasoning and persuading, many believe, are baptized, and the growth of Christians multiplies, not just in Ephesus but throughout this Roman region referred to as Asia (see the letters to the seven churches in Revelation). This growth is accomplished by groups of Christians meeting in houses because it was illegal at this time to have a Christian church building.\r\n

Persecution and Division

James Rochford
Acts 5:14-6:7

Crisis, perseverance, and growth is the pattern seen in the early church. Philip and Stephen along with the other apostles experience external and internal attack through persecution and division. With God, they are able to overcome these. God doesn't grow His church despite crises, but actually through them.

The Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Acts 2:42-47

The key and essential aspects of authentic body life which causes the never duplicated explosive growth of the body of Christ.

Committed Christianity

James Rochford
Acts 2:41-47

The early church was the most dynamic group ever! Luke explains the seven traits that made this group of people vibrant and that the church today can have this too.

A Thumbnail of the Early Church

Conrad Hilario
Acts 5:3

The early Church was devoted to the truth, fellowship, and prayer. They were generous unified and grateful to God. The Biblical Church description is not too radical; it is healthy compared to cultural norms and priorities.

Regret or Godly Sorrow

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 7:2-11

Paul demonstrates good, Godly correction, and shows how Godly sorrow leads to real change. We are called to represent God well in our culture, and that involves taking the risk of speaking the truth in love to others. We must be willing to direct others toward truth, and we must be willing to accept correction in our own lives.