Dealing with Anger, Developing Patience

Bev DeLashmutt

Anger is often the result of someone or something blocking our goals. Any goal that can be blocked by forces beyond your control is not a healthy goal. A godly goal is one that is only dependent upon you and God to achieve. A better plan is to change your incorrect beliefs as our beliefs dictate our behaviors. Correct beliefs will enable achievable goals. Achievable, godly goals significantly reduce the occurrence of anger and increases the peace in our homes and relationships.

Parenting and Hospitality

Liz Sweet

Hospitality is a way to represent the great love God has for people. It is inviting people into not just your home but into your lives and hearts. Hospitality is authentic, genuine interaction including the laughter, as well as the messiness of life. It is a kind heart and a helping hand. Hospitality models for our children the value of people over stuff. Opening our homes to friends and strangers teaches our children how to treat people with courtesy and warmth.

God's View of Sex

Mike Sullivan
1 Corinthians 6:18

God has a high view of sex. God designed sex for the purposes of reproduction, oneness between a husband and wife, and for pleasure. He calls us to turn from anything outside of that (porneia.) To do that we must: 1) trust God; 2) realize hope; 3) build healthy relationships with other Christians; 4) take the first step.

21st Century Evangelism (Part 3) - Questions, Problems, and Other Headaches

Randy Newman
1 Corinthians 6:18

There are unique challenges when it comes to witnessing to our family members. Randy Newman finishes his 21st Century Evangelism series on this topic, with content from his book "Bringing the Gospel Home". In this session Neman offers three reflections on the difficulties of reaching our families, three reflections from scripture on how good the gospel is, and three lessons on how to witness to our families. \r\n\r\n

Navigating Chaos

Patrice McCormac
1 Corinthians 6:18

As a parent, the reality is that some level of chaos is part of your life. The lesson we can learn is even in the midst of chaos, God is always at work. Yes, even in the middle of interruptions, spilled milk, disorder, and uncertainty, God is doing a good work! If you choose to believe that God has a good work he wants to do in your life that can only be accomplished while in the middle of unplanned chaos, it will change your response dashed expectations of smooth sailing. Perhaps, the chaos is an opportunity God is giving us to set aside our self-focus and and work through us to love and serve someone else?

Helping Kids Develop Healthy Relationships

Beth Himsworth
1 Corinthians 6:18

In parenting, there is more to preparing your child for building healthy relationships than merely giving your child unconditional love and affirmation. Beth Himsworth uses the model of a child's moral compass, with the four points referring to God, Engagement, Suffering and Wealth/Work, as vital aspects of developing your child's inner core that allows your child to have lasting, healthy relationships for life.

Parenting Tweens

Megan Kavinsky
1 Corinthians 6:18

Megan Kavinsky, a licensed therapist, delves into the broad area of the development of tweens, children between the ages of eight and ten, from moral and spiritual, to the physical, psychological, and social. She explores relevant social and cultural issues, practical parenting techniques as well as effective communication tools. Many amazing changes are occurring in your tween's development at this time and it is a wonderful opportunity to help him or her to navigate these changes in a healthy manner.

Sibling Rivalry

Chris Deken
1 Corinthians 6:18

Sibling rivalry is ultimately a heart issue. It is children attempting to get or competing for love, and affirmation from their human parents instead of receiving their identity and security from their Heavenly Father. Having siblings is a daily laboratory to character development. It is leading your children to the realization they are not the center of the universe. Parenting siblings is about pointing them with grace and love to the One who can meet all their needs.

God's View of Sex, Marriage and Divorce

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 7:1-17

The Apostle Paul teaches the Corinthian church about God's design for sex and marriage, as well as his views on divorce--topics as useful and relevant today as they were then.