Balancing Ministry and Family

Doug Patch

Doug Patch discusses how to face the challenge of the sacrifices we need to make as parents juggling ministry and family life and how to do that with a good spirit and not with resentment.

God's Design for Sex

James Rochford
Genesis 2:18

Through the account of the creation of Adam and Eve, God gives us insight into His design for sex and marriage. God is pretty clear about His view on these two topics; however, a lot the world's commonly held views are in direct opposition to what God says. The Bible says the world's view is broken. Take a look at what God has to say, and several statistics from leading studies in this area.

The Greatest Stories Ever Told

Scott Risley
Genesis 2:18

Teaching biblical narratives is rewarding yet often underutilized. Not only is there a vast array of stories to choose from in the Bible, but they are also enjoyable and memorable, allowing truth to seek in deeply when taught well. This workshop presents several key tips for interpreting narratives. These include setting the scene, identifying the plot, describing characters, utilizing dialogue and repetition, offering summaries or conclusions, emphasizing irony, and understanding background knowledge. Through practicing these suggestions and avoiding common pitfalls, we can learn to effectively teach biblical narratives.

Agents of Grace in Marriage - Applying God's Truth at Home

Mary Beth Gladwell
Genesis 2:18

We are called to show others mercy because of what God has done for us, and this is especially true in the context of marriage. We can sympathize, advocate, help, and stay truth-centered in our marriages and other relationships because of how God has done all of that for us. \r\n\r\n

Teaching Kids to Love God's Word

Jeff Risley
Genesis 2:18

Providing a firm foundation for kids in God's Word is of the utmost importance! Learning about God, the Bible, and their identity in Christ at a young age will effect the entire trajectory of their lives. When teaching kids there are some things to consider: How can we help ideas stick, and how best will that information be processed? Also, how do we account for gender differences when teaching them? Hear practical suggestions to show kids how exciting, useful, and rewarding it is to study God's Word. \r\n\r\n

Building a Family Around the Word

Chris Risley
Psalms 78:5-7

Many parents don't have a specific goal for their children to shape their parenting. As Christian parents, however, our goal should be to have our children grow to love the Lord wholeheartedly. This means we need to address our relationship with God, with our spouse, and with our kids. In order to give to our family amidst our own imperfections and anxieties, we need to be receiving from God ourselves. Through prioritizing our marriage, spending ample time getting quality time with our children and raising them according to God's priorities, we can build a successful family around the word of God.

Sharing Your Faith with Parents

Liz Sweet
Nina Hoyt
Hebrews 12:1-3

It is because of the great commission that we share the good news of Jesus with our family. Not only does God want to reach our family, but he wants to transform us through the process. It is important to remember God's role as we love our families and pursue the biblical love that God wants to produce in us as we step out in faith. Some practical ways we can be effective in sharing our faith include: praying; practicing gratitude; remembering it's a spiritual battle; listening; learning love languages; initiating spiritual conversation; practicing forgiveness. \r\n

The Nature of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:21-25

There is a review of the five characteristics of people before the fall (from the previous teaching), followed by an examination of the final two characteristics. Namely, that humans were created shameless and with both unity and diversity. Some current statistics are analyzed about sex and marriage. Lastly, there is a comparison of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.

What Makes a Man?

Joey Francisco
Proverbs 27:17

Our culture tells us men should live on an island, be less emotional, and live their life in pursuit of autonomous comfort. This has created an environment where we see young men seeking fulfillment and purpose from the world's resources that will never satisfy. God has given men resources in His Word that can lead them to leadership, diligent work, healthy relationships, and healthy emotional output. God's resources and provisions will satisfy.