Why the Church Exists

Gene Getz
Ephesians 1:3-3:14

Why does the church exist? The church exists so the world will believe God sent Jesus. Through the Great Commission and other New Testament texts it is clear that the purpose of the church is to make disciples and to teach them. Faith, hope, and love are ways to measure the maturity of a disciple/church. True effectiveness of a church (or a disciple) can be measured by the demonstration of these three qualities. Faith is to live like Jesus; hope is to be stable and unwavering in what is true; and love is a reflection of who Jesus is. Love is the greatest of these. We are God's workmanship, created to do good works and reflect Jesus' love in order to draw people to God. God uses the love and unity of believers as the greatest miracle to show Himself to the world.\r\n

The Critical Divide

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 5:1-4

Paul and Barnabas fight against the Pharisee's legalistic teaching being spread in Antioch. They take a firm stand and sharply dispute it. They remind people they are made right with God through grace and not by following the law. Peter also speaks up and supports Paul and Barnabas by delivering the same message about grace. Understanding grace and the relationship God offers has a transformative effect that produces freedom and results in a life of giving love. This life is satisfying and exciting.\r\n

Paul's First Journey (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 13:1-49

Paul and Barnabas are sent out by the Holy Spirit on their first missionary journey. As they travel from city to city, they teach the Good News that people are made right with God through believing in Jesus and not by their works. They teach the history of God's work through Israel and the coming and death of Jesus. This message is from the Creator and important for all people because God's love is for all people. Throughout their missionary journey they experience the positive impact and power from the Holy Spirit's work along with opposition.\r\n

Stephen's Defense

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:8

Many people believe worshiping God has to be done in a special building, at a specific time, or with certain actions or rituals. What does God have to say about sacred space and tradition? What is formalism and how do we fall into it? See what Acts has to say through the defense of Christianity that Stephen gives to a group of devout Jews.\r\n

Does Jesus Speak for God?

Dennis McCallum
John 7

Jesus makes some serious claims throughout the Bible, including that his words come from God. The people of Jesus' day responded to these claims by trying to make sense of who Jesus was. We all have a decision to make about who we believe Jesus to be. Some responses to this question are far more reasonable than others.

Freedom from Slavery: A Lesson from the Life of Saul

Lee Campbell
1 Samuel 9-28

Often, our hiding, manipulation, insecurity, and emotional outbursts are due to fear. The life of Saul, Israel's first king, was characterized by these things, resulting in poor leadership and a sad spiritual life. Because Saul was unable to put his trust in God's faithfulness, he lived his life enslaved to fear. We learn that freedom from enslavement to fear is possible through putting our faith in God and his unlimited power. A testimony from Kim Gulyassy is included.

Live Free or Die!

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:1-17

When it comes to growing with God, legalism versus grace are mutually exclusive. Real change happens when we wait and put our confident hope in God's desire to make us more Christlike over our lives, resisting the urge to work to please God. A growing conformity to be more like Jesus will result in exceeding amounts of faith expressing itself through sacrificial love. We will experience more freedom in Christ as we decide to actively depend on the Holy Spirit and live under God's grace.

A Tale of Two Women

Jim Leffel
Galatians 4:1-31

There are two paths to do God's will that Paul points out to the Galatians: 1) according to the flesh; or 2) according to the Spirit. As Christians live according the Spirit, we act in faith as we confidently expect God to deliver on what He promises. This type of active dependence allows us to see God's provision more and more in our lives. Living under legalism when trying to follow God will lead to enslavement, failure, and despair.

faith vs. FAITH

Dennis McCallum
Romans 10:17

A royal official, in great desperation, seeks out Jesus to heal his dying son. As a result, Jesus challenges the basis of people's faith. Signs and miracles are not sufficient for long lasting personal faith. Real faith is fostered and grows when we entrust ourself to God because He is trustworthy. Like the royal official, when we put our faith in God we can act on His promises and commands. God blesses our steps of faith.