Relating to God During a Crisis

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 12-15

After God unleashed the plagues on Egypt and Pharaoh let God's people leave, there were still more challenges to the people's faith in God. They still had to cross the Red Sea. As the people panicked, Moses gave three directives to the people:Do not be afraid, Stand firm (the Lord will fight for you), and Be still (stop complaining).

God Prepares Moses

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 4:29-7:6

In the process of preparing Moses for the great he would eventually do, God had to teach him some lessons on failure. Moses needed to learn to not be careless with the words of God, to say exactly what God said. Moses needed to learn to follow God despite rejection, whether from Pharaoh or his own people. Moses learned that fear of failure is opposed to faith, but he can go to God when he does fail. Moses discovered El Shaddai is the God who is sufficient for our personal inadequacies.

Jesus' Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 1:26-38

The elements of the conception of Jesus mirror the steps to becoming a Christian. Just as God initiated the encounter with Mary, God also initiates a relationship with non-Christians. God offered to Mary to indwell her with the Son of God, so too does God offer the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts. Mary could have refused the offer, but in faith, she accepted it. Our part is to believe God's offer of salvation and accept it.

The Plagues

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 7-10

The series of plagues that God inflicted upon Pharaoh and his people were designed to demonstrate how impotent the Egyptian gods were and how powerful the true God is. Each of the plagues was designed to expose the worthlessness of a particular Egyptian god, culminating in Pharaoh, a self-proclaimed god, unable to save his first-born son from death. This demonstration of God's power was part of a bigger plan of rescue.

Getting More Ready

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 4:24-6:19

After God meets Moses at the burning bush, He commissions Moses to go to Pharaoh to seek the release of His people. Moses tries to get out of the assignment but God has chosen Moses, but not for all his natural talents and abilities. God had been preparing Moses for this for his whole life even though Moses could not see the big picture. In the end, Moses trusts God enough to go back to Egypt and confront Pharaoh.

Who Built the Wall?

Patrice McCormac
Nehemiah 3

Nehemiah, who led the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, took pains to list the names of ordinary people who worked side by side each other to repair the ruined walls in a record 52 days. This illustrates three spiritual principles. One, God often works through ordinary people doing ordinary tasks, two, they are dependent upon each other, and three, together they can accomplish something extraordinary.

Introduction to the Book of Exodus

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 1:1-2:10

Archeology has time and again revealed cities or people groups only mentioned in the Bible thus refuting Bible skeptics. You don't have to be anti-intellectual in order to believe in Christianity. God laid out in the Bible His plan to rescue Israel and overcome the circumstances they faced. He can do the same for you!

The God Who Is Faithful

James Rochford
Exodus 1:1-2:10

The Exodus narrative of Moses being rescued from the Nile River to become second in command of Egypt is the story of the God who is faithful. Biblical faith is trusting the God who is trustworthy even through suffering and persecution, with our plans, with our doubts, when we cannot see the full picture, and for the future. Moses' mother demonstrated biblical faith when she placed Moses in the basket and entrusted him to God.

The Full Armor of God

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 6:10-24

Paul warns his audience that their struggle is not against other humans but evil spiritual forces, namely Satan. We need to be prepared to fight with the Word of God's truth, relying not on our own righteousness but on Christ's righteousness. The full armor of God consists of truth, righteousness (Christ's), gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God and finally, prayer.