Jesus' Authority

Scott Risley
Matthew 8:1-17

Matthew's account of Jesus' first three miracles focused on outcasts. He healed a leper, a gentile servant girl and a woman, Peter's mother-in-law. These miracles authenticated him and His authority. They demonstrated his power is expressed in love.

Jesus Establishes His Authority

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 8:18-9:8

Through three separate eye-witness accounts, Jesus demonstrates his authority. He demonstrates his authority in four separate ways: 1)his power over prejudice; 2) his power over nature; 3) his power over Satan and the demons; and 4) his power over sin. In particular, Jesus gives special attention to his authority to forgive sins. Since Jesus was able to forgive the man's sins, he is also able to forgive ours as well. The way to get real forgiveness and restore a relationship with God is through Jesus Christ.

What About Miracles?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 8:1-15

Jesus performs four miracles. He heals a man with leprosy, who would be seen as a total outcast at that time. He sees the faith of a gentile centurion and heals his slave servant and then goes on to heal a woman. All of these people were see as unimportant in society, but not to Jesus. Jesus miraculous power was used to authenticate his claims and demonstrated his love towards those who are deemed as unloved. Jesus wants to express his love to all people through his work on the cross.

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:5-6

Jesus tells a parable of a mustard seed and the yeast. The parable describes a small growth that eventually becomes large and widespread, something that fits in with the small, yet widespread growth in Christianity over the years. Today, Christians have the immense privilege in participating in God's work that is spreading throughout the world as we: pray for the nations to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, give our financial resources to God's work, and even go ourselves to spread the message of the gospel. As Christians comprehend the love of Jesus, we can become more and more motivated to love those who do not know Jesus and to get engaged with God's global plan.

The Two Ways

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 7:13-29

Jesus allows his audience to choose their path: through the narrow gate or the wide path. The narrow path is through asking for forgiveness through Jesus. The broad road is the religious lifestyle that Jesus has been combating through all of his teachings. A major reason for people choosing the broad road is because of listening to false teachers. The second focus of Jesus' teaching is in regards to distinguishing true and false prophets. True prophets have an authentic relationship with God, while false prophets claim to know God only by association, not in reality. Perhaps the biggest difference between true and false followers of Jesus are those who choose to hear his words and put them into practice.

God or Money

Scott Risley
Matthew 6:19-34

Living in this modern era it is easy to believe that anxiety about money is normal, but God calls it a sin! Instead, store up treasures in heaven by investing in your own spiritual growth by focusing on following God who loves and cares for you. If your treasure is in God, your heart will follow. You can either live a life filled with anxiety or you can seek first God's Kingdom and enjoy Him for eternity.

Leading Our Kids to Love God

Joe Botti
2 Timothy 3:14-15

In our culture today, kids are leaving their Christian lives behind in huge numbers as they grow up into adulthood. And it is certainly no easy task to help our children develop a love for the Lord! This workshop first discusses our role in this area and the correlation between our relationship and influence with our kids. Our own modeling of sincere faith and time spent relationally investing in our children are imperative. Next, the class addresses the need to withstand cultural pressures and provides some age specific ideas for how to engage our kids spiritually and relationally. \r\n

The Dynamic Work of the Holy Spirit

Jeff Gordon
1 Corinthians 12:1-11

When Paul said that only Christians can say 'Jesus is Lord', what he meant is that it is only by the Holy Spirit leading us to faith in Christ that that truth is revealed to us. In making a choice to accept the grace of Christ, we have a second, spiritual birth. A life of faith means doing things outside of our abilities, through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us.

God's Intrusion into Human History

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:4-8

Jesus' birth was a miraculous event that God orchestrated by having him conceived through the virgin Mary. Mary's attitude towards God's plan is one of willingness and personal trust. Jesus' birth was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. Jesus' entrance into the world as God incarnate begins with him in a manger, essentially a feeding trough where he is rejected and excluded. This would be the first instance of many as Jesus' life was a portrayal of humanity's rejection of God. Despite all the suffering, rejection and pain, Jesus' birth signifies God's desire to have people come to know Him personally through the cross.