The Story of Joseph

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 39:1-45:11

Though Joseph was was a man of faith, his life was filled with confusion and pain. Often in the midst of suffering and trials it is difficult to see how God is working. Ultimately, God used Joseph's faithful suffering in order to bring about incredible good for him and his family. God also has a purpose for our lives, but in order to see this purpose realized we must be willing to trust Him through any circumstance.\r\n\r\n

Striving with God

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 28:12-32:30

Most human relationships are based on conditional love, and many of us relate to God this way as well. Jacob wrestled with God throughout his entire life, trying to force God into his will. But God has a different way that He wants to relate to us, and He does this by showing us an example of unconditional love. Instead of demanding a blessing from God, we must learn to see and believe that we have already been blessed.

Who Do You Think God Is?

Lee Campbell
Genesis 22:1-18

Sometimes, God will test the faith of His followers in order to both refine and show what they believe about Him. In the binding of Isaac, Abraham goes through extreme testing. This incident foreshadows the work of Christ in a powerful way. Like Abraham, our response to testing is determined by who we think that God is.\r\n

Abraham and Lot

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 19:24-29

Abraham started out as a man who barely knew anything about God but was still wiling to trust in His promises. He witnesses God's dealing with Sodom and Lot as a lesson in God's character. Ultimately, this teaches him how God's mercy and justice work together. In the end, Lot serves as an example of compromised faith, while Abraham serves as an example of God's faithfulness to those who trust Him.\r\n

The Transfiguration and Metamorphosis

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 16:28-17:5

Peter, James and John witness Jesus transfigure before them. Elijah and Moses appear with Jesus. This incredible account shows that God wants show Himself at key times and in various ways. This spiritual experience that Peter, James and John had is an instance of God providing such experiences right before He calls for self-sacrifice and a new level of commitment. As Christians we should welcome spiritual experiences, but not idolize them. This account also reveals how the Old Testament prefigured and validated the New Testament, and thus how we can trust Jesus and what he says about needing forgiveness.

A Mountaintop Experience

Scott Risley
Matthew 17:1-9

Initially, the disciples did not understand the significance of their mountaintop experience of witnessing Jesus' transfiguration, they later realized that Jesus fulfills and supersedes the Old Testament, that He is greater than Moses and Elijah. They learned that God is both transcendent and immanent. Peter, in his exuberance, wanted to build permanent shelters for Jesus, Moses and Elijah to live in that moment rather than enjoy the experience however fleeting it may be.

Abraham and Melchizedek

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 7:1-12

Melchizedek is a little-known character in the Bible, but he ends up being crucial in fulfilling God's promise to Abraham and his plan to save the world. The story of Melchizedek demonstrates both the internal consistency of Scripture and the incredible commitment of God to keep his promises.

God's Promise to Abraham

Paul Alexander
Genesis 22:17-18

Much of Biblical history stems from God's covenant with Abraham, wherein He promises: 1) a land for him; 2) to make a nation out of his family; 3) to bless him; 4) and to use his descendants to bless the world. Over the course of history, God has kept all of His promises. Abraham's choice to have faith in God made him right with God. In light of this, our response should also be to trust God.

Playing Games with God

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:1-23

The Pharisees dispute with Jesus about why the disciples don't partake in the ceremonial hand washing before eating. The heart of this argument revolves around going through the outward motions without a change of the heart. By partaking in ceremonial washing, the Pharisees were cleaning the outside while not acknowledging their own sin. This issue makes people think they're okay before God when they really are not. The true need is in the heart, which needs a spiritual cleansing through Jesus Christ.