Praying in Jesus' Name

Ruth W
James 4:3

Three principles are given for asking for something in Jesus' name: 1) ask on the basis of Jesus' worthiness, not your own worthiness; 2) ask as God's servant for His ends, not to use God for your ends; and 3) ask according to God's revealed Word, not according to your own wisdom.

Spiritual Confidence

Jess Lowery
James 4:3

Spiritual confidence is not about being confident of our own abilities (pride). Rather, spiritual confidence is rooted in who God is and is reflected in a Christian's humility that doesn't sway to being man-centered or super-spiritual. Christians can have true confidence in knowing that their all-powerful and omniscient God is in control.

Finishing Well

Don Dixon
Randy Jones
James 4:3

A God-centered life presents optimism and meaning, and stands opposed to the pointless tendency of a self-centered life. By drawing near to God, Christians can be effective servants for Him, even through suffering and life changes. With Christ, believers can have hope for their futures and eternity.

Life Lessons From a Dying Guy

Beth Chilcoat
Bev DeLashmutt
John 17:17

David Chilcoat, a devoted Christian and the founder of the Columbus Young Life branch, experienced intense suffering as his body decayed slowly due to ALS, a devastating disease. After his diagnosis, he began journaling about his experience, and these entries are what his wife, Beth, and Bev DeLashmutt share in order to illustrate his faithfulness during such an intense trial. Through David's journal, we see an active example of enacting three important steps amidst suffering: asking, affirming, and waiting. As we explore and act on these three principles, we can begin to respond to suffering in a way that allows us to persevere through it instead of crumbling under it.

Joseph - Overcoming Obstacles through Faithfulness

Gene Getz
Genesis 25-50

We all experience obstacles and suffering in our lives, but what do we do about it? Gene Getz takes us through the life of Joseph as an example of how to overcome obstacles through faithfulness. He takes us through the ways that Joseph suffered, that many people go through today as well. Then he talks about how to see emotional and spiritual healing in our lives.\r\n

Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ (Part 2)

Scott Risley
Ephesians 1:11-23

Paul continues explaining the spiritual blessings that come from having a relationship with God. Paul adds two to the list: receiving an eternal inheritance and being sealed with the Holy Spirit. Ongoing growth in knowing and experiencing God is essential for spiritual growth. God has given confident hope, value and power to His children which can positively impact their lives.\r\n

Endless Hope or Hopeless End

James Rochford
Matthew 27:1-28:15

Following his death on the cross, Jesus rises from the dead. There are seven reasons to believe in the validity of the resurrection: 1) the execution of Jesus was recorded by the Romans, Greeks and Jews; 2) the empty tomb, which involved women witnesses and a realistic burial story; 3) expectations; 4) eyewitnesses, including Paul, James and the twelve disciples; 5) explained in advance, through prophecy from the Old Testament; 6) the expansion of Christianity grew from 500 to 1 million people by the end of the first century; and 7) experience. The resurrection is crucial for the basis for Christian's lives and has much evidence supporting it.

Partnership of Faith and Works

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:19

James points out that faith without works is dead. We don't work to save ourselves through the law, but rather what we do reflects what we believe.

The Word in Attitudes and Actions

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:10

When we try to hear from God through His Word it's important that we are open to His input in our lives. Often people come to God with their minds already made up. We are called not just to be readers of the Word, but doers of the Word.