Jesus Steps Forward to the Cross

Jeff Gordon
Matthew 26:39

Many modern people believe that Jesus was a victim of unfortunate circumstances and that his death was a mistake. John, however, writes that Jesus knew full well that he was about to die and willingly gave himself over to be killed by the authorities of his time. Jesus acted in faith in spite of his fears because he knew who he was and where he was going, and we as Christians can make the same decision when God brings suffering into our lives. Furthermore, Christians can respond positively to God's revelation just like some of the authorities in Jesus's day by not distracting themselves from the truth.

The Wedding at Cana

Dennis McCallum
John 2:1-11

The first of John's seven recorded signs that confirm Jesus' identity and ministry takes place at a wedding in Cana. Here, Jesus transforms water intended for external washing into wine for internal consumption. Through this miracle, Jesus is expressing a critique of formalism, or focusing on the external. Jesus' purpose was not to fix the external, but to deal with the internal issues of a person's heart. People often want to relate to God with rules and regulations as opposed to a real authentic relationship that He offers through Jesus.

Receiving the Help of the Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
John 15:1-12

How often do we turn to God to pray for direction from the Holy Spirit? Many of us try to go it alone. God has given us the Spirit as a helper and He can supply the opportunity but we must be praying to see these opportunities and pray for the words to say through the Spirit. Teaching includes sharing from the audience on "How does involvement with other Christians help us to cultivate this lifestyle?"

Peter's Last Words

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:12-21

Peter writes to remind his readers that he and his companions were witness to the transfiguration, which sustained him even years later. The whole reason for this revelation was to rescue people and build them up. The reasons we are able to believe in the events that happened are through: 1) testimony of the apostles under torture, 2) predictive prophecy, and 3) the uniqueness of the Bible.

God Changes Lives!

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:1-9

Peter begins his letter by speaking about how God wants to change the lives of believers; He wants to make us more like Jesus, and He has supplied the power for that change. God wants us to partake in the promises that He has given us, and through: having a position in Christ, believing and focusing on that position, and with faith, God will change us.

Jesus Makes Two Unique Claims

Gary DeLashmutt
John 10:1-30

Using a shepherding analogy, Jesus makes two claims. He claims he is the door: the only way to be saved and the only way to experience an abundant love relationship with God. He gives us further reason to follow him by claiming to be the good shepherd: A master with a good character who knows you, loves you, and would die for you. Trusting God's Will in our life is truly the way to fulfillment, and a big part of this is obeying Jesus' call to be a good under-shepherd and work for his church. Includes excerpt from Watchman Nee's "The Normal Christian Life".

I am the Light

Doug Patch
John 9:1-41

Jesus claims he is the light of the world, i.e., the giver of spiritual life. The blind man and the Pharisee have two different responses to Jesus' claim. The response to the light that has been given determines the effect of the light on our life. The Pharisees response resulted in increased spiritual blindness while the blind man's response resulted in increased spiritual light. The blind man knew he needed Jesus and received his gift of grace.

Crossing Paths on the Road of Life

Jim Leffel
Isaiah 53:7-11

Phillip is given a divine appointment on a desert road. He responds and finds an Ethiopian eunuch searching for truth in Isaiah 53. Phillip is able to explain the relevance and significance of this passage, and the eunuch comes to Christ! The Holy Spirit will lead us to divine appointment too, to the "crossroads of time and eternity". Will you walk down that road? \r\n\r\n

The Truth Will Set You Free

Jeff Gordon
John 8:31-59

Jesus teaches that the sin nature enslaves people while following his truth sets people free. To have freedom in this life means to become Jesus' disciple and follow his teachings. The religious leaders were not able to understand Jesus' message because of their pride. As a result, they believed Satan's lies. The only way to counter lies is with the truth. Freedom is a result of following the truth.