Hope through Despair

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 7:15-8:4

In normal life, hope and despair are antithetical. But the path to true hope in God comes through a process of suffering that causes us to despair in ourselves and to trust in God. This principle of despair leading to hope is operative both in the way we come to Christ and in the way we reach maturity in Him.

Laying the Foundations for Spiritual Renewal

Ryan Lowery
Nehemiah 2:1-18

For many Christians, the balance between using their minds to strategize and depending on God is difficult to find. Nehemiah is a great example of someone who was extremely strategic in reaching his goals, while at the same time remaining diligent in prayer. Ultimately, Christian workers need to learn how to take an honest look at spiritual goals and the barriers to their fulfillment, and be ready to take a step of faith.

The Goal is Love

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 1:1-7

Throughout his letter to Timothy, Paul exhorts him to make the most of his life. In order to fulfill this, the prime goal of the Christian life is love. This requires a pure heart, should be done in good-conscience, and is a product of a sincere faith.

Remaining in the Center

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 1:1-5

On the outside, Timothy appeared to be weak and timid, but God was able to make him into a spiritual leader. In his letter to Timothy, Paul urges him to ensure that the central message of Christ is emphasized. False teachers were trying to emphasize esoteric teachings that have no value. A community that emphasizes the right things is able to be used powerfully by God.

The Ungifted Evangelist

Pat Reeder
Colossians 4:3

Sometimes watching people who are gifted evangelists leaves us feeling defeated and even jealous, wishing we had the opportunities or skill to do similar things. God calls all of His believers, however, to share His message no matter their gifting. So for the ungifted evangelist, we must be earnest to pray for opportunities to share our faith and to be persistent in prayer. We often may need to put ourselves out there and fail, and we may need to search for new contacts, seeking ways to direct conversations toward spiritual topics. We too can make a impact for God.

Restoring Evangelism in your Home Group

Doug Patch
John 15:5-8

There are clear biblical principles leaders can use to help spur their home group on to evangelize. Leader's must give a clear biblical case for what God commands in regards to evangelism. They must also lay out how the group is doing in comparison to God's call. Leaders must also communicate how God's grace overcomes underlying sin and encourage people towards what motivates and empowers them to live out the call of evangelism. It is by God's power and grace that moves people to love the lost and so casting this vision is the key motivator.

Effective Teams

Mike Sullivan
Colossians 4:7-18

Through Paul and his team we learn qualities that make a team effective. Qualities that made them effective were their faithfulness, growth in their roles, giving each other second chances, serving together, fighting together, praying for each other, challenging each other, and loving each other. There was genuine love and closeness. These are qualities that we can develop with the people we serve with. Effective followers of God are on teams and never working alone. Who is your team? What qualities can be developed to be more effective in God's work?

I Have My Doubts (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Colossians 4:7-18

Painful experiences, shattered expectations, and a lack of sensing God's presence can all lead to a crisis of hope. A crisis of hope can open the door to doubt. Doubts are not uncommon to the great people of faith in the Bible. God allows his people to come places of extreme need so that their faith will be tested and strengthened into a faith that can't be shaken.

Speaking For God

Scott Risley
Colossians 4:2-18

As Christians, we have been entrusted as ambassadors of God's message of forgiveness through Jesus. As we go out and try to tell others about Jesus and his offer of forgiveness, there are some principles that can assist us in this work from God: 1) devotion to prayer; 2) speaking in a way that accurately reflects Christ; and 3) exhibiting wise and authentic behavior to those who don't know Jesus.