Waiting on God

Scott Risley
Romans 4:20-21

Abraham struggled to wait on God's timing in fulfilling His promises. Abraham had a son with Hagar when he felt he couldn't wait any longer on having a son. God came down and revealed to Abraham that this wasn't His plan, and He showed Abraham the magnitude of His promises. God showed Abraham that through his son with Sarah He would build a great nation.

Lessons on Faith

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 17:7

While Abram answered God's call to leave his homeland and security and to follow Him to a new land, Abram still had moments of faltering faith when he acted on his own apart from God. Despite his times of faltering faith, God counted Abram as righteous because of his faith.

Abraham: The Man of Faith

James Rochford
Genesis 12-17

What is biblical faith? Is there a difference between biblical faith and blind faith? Is there room for doubt? Why do some people have more faith than others? Can we grow in our faith in God? Examining key events in the life of Abraham helps us answer these questions and learn what true faith looks like.

God's Promise to Abram

Scott Risley
Joshua 24:2

God promises to Abram that he will make him into a great nation, all Abram needed to do was put his trust in God. Abram wavered between trusting God and making his own path in life. God kept coming through for Abram, as Abram saw this he decided to trust God more and more.

Murderous Rage

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 4:1-5:29

When God rejected Cain's offering due to his wrong heart attitude, God gave Cain the opportunity to change his behavior and thus his attitude. Instead, Cain's anger toward God was redirected toward his brother Abel, who had the right attitude toward God. Cain led Abel into a field and killed him. God gave Cain another opportunity to admit guilt and repent, but instead, Cain lied and was not remorseful, and God allowed Cain to suffer the consequences of his sin.

The Days of Noah

Scott Risley
Matthew 24:37-39

Noah built an ark because God commanded him to do so. Noah and his family floated in the ark as the rest of humanity faded away. God used Noah and his family to rebuild humanity. Noah was faithful to God and he tried to warn the people of his time.

The Ways of Knowing - How the Bible Speaks to the Whole Person

Jim Leffel
Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Knowledge comes in more than one form, as opposed to reductionistic thinking, which professes that knowledge only comes from a single source. But in fact, there are numerous ways of knowing as we see expressed throughout the Bible. There is propositional, personal, and practical knowing. Through these means, we can grow to learn who God is and how we can relate with Him.

God's Calling

Joke Van Opstal
2 Timothy 1:9

Understanding and following God's calling for our lives can be a difficult experience. Scripture teaches that we are called by God and that each of our individual callings were all foreknown and predestined by our sovereign God. God has predestined each of us to be conformed to the likeness of Christ and called us to bring his presence into every aspect of our lives. As we focus on our own intimacy with Christ and address hindrances to our calling, we will begin finding ourselves in the center of God's will.

Good Friends are Hard to Find

Patrice McCormac
1 Samuel 18:1-23:29

If we want to have good friendships, we need to choose to be a good friend! Through studying the deep friendship between Jonathan and David in 1 Samuel we see many elements of true friendship. Good friends are faithful to promises, willing to warn of danger, speak well of others, and ultimately pursue a friendship that is centered on God and advancing his purposes! \r\n