Bow Down!

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 3:1-4:37

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are faced with an impossible situation. Either they bow down and worship a golden statue which would go against their God or they will be killed. This passage is an example of amazing faith in God and taking a stand against the cultural norms.

Taking Your Stand with God

Conrad Hilario
Isaiah 43:2-5

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon constructs an enormous golden statue and commands his entire empire to worship it under the penalty of death. Daniel's companions, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, faithfully refuse to worship the statue and are thrown into a fiery furnace. Miraculously, God rescues them and the astonished King Nebuchadnezzar commands his empire to worship God alone. In the face of persecution, Christians today must count the cost of following God and consider whether or not we value Him above all else, even our very lives.

Still Standing

James Rochford
Daniel 3:1-30

The worldview of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is put to the test by the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar. In the face of death, they took a stand on God's Word and power, without placing any conditions on God. God blessed their example by saving them when they were about to die for their faith.

The Restless Wrestler

Scott Risley
Genesis 28:1-33:9

Jacob finds a woman that he wants to marry, but his is outwitted by his uncle Laban. After many years of service to his uncle, God calls Jacob back to the land of his birth. Jacob spends a night wrestling with the Lord and is transformed into a humble man.

Abraham and Isaac

Scott Risley
Hebrews 11:17

Abraham had received his promised son through Isaac. Isaac was to become a great nation. Before this came to fruition, Abraham was faced with an unthinkable dilemma: 1. Trust the God he loved or 2. Take matters into his own hands. This story is about incredible faith and a truly loving father.

Abraham and Isaac: An Unthinkable Sacrifice

James Rochford
Genesis 22:1

God calls us to a life of deep trust in Him, just as He tested Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham said yes to God, and God provided a substitution. Are we willing to put the gifts God has given us into His hands?

Summiting the Pinnacle of Faith

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 22:1

God asked Abraham to make the ultimate sacrifice. Abraham had to make a choice to trust God or to not trust God. This story shows Abraham's incredible faith in God and God uses it to teach Abraham about the future sacrifice that God himself would make to save all of mankind.

Living a Life of Compromise

Scott Risley
Genesis 18:1-19:36

Lot and Abraham make very different choices in life. Both are true believers in God, but one lives a life of moral compromise whereas the other holds fast to his faith in God.

Radical v Convenient Faith

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 19:1

A study contrasting Abraham's decision to follow God and his nephew Lot's decision to focus on materialism and the impact these decisions had on their descendants.