The Calling

Ryan Lowery
Luke 5:1-11

The people that Jesus called to be his disciples were not the most educated, moral, or highly esteemed people, but instead were people willing to listen to what Jesus had to say, weigh it as evidence for his lordship, and respond in trusting obedience. Jesus makes the same call to all of us, first, to have us consider his existence and offer of forgiveness, then, having responded to that offer, calling us to trust him, take small steps of obedience, and serve him.

Standing Firm Together

Chris Hearty
Philippians 1:27-2:4

Paul wants the Philippians to be standing together, striving together in the faith. As duel citizens of earth and heaven, Paul calls them to live out their lives on earth in such a way as to honor their heavenly citizenship. Do not substitute the truth of God for a lie. Stand firm in the truth of who they are in Christ.

Paul's Guide to Max Gains

Scott Risley
Philippians 1:12-26

Paul, the greatest Christian evangelist of all time, sits in prison, chained to guards day and night. What appears to be a devastating blow to the spread of the Gospel, is actually part of God's plan so he can do an even bigger work. Rather than being frustrated by his chains, by his loss of freedom, Paul lets God use him right where he is, in prison. His immobility actually allowed the Gospel to be spread to the far reaches of the Roman empire through those very guards chained to his wrists.

Three Components for a Health Church

Ryan Lowery
Acts 17:1-7

1 Thessalonians is written to a church in Thessalonica--a group of believers Paul reached after God gave him a vision of a man in Macedonia who was seeking God. Here Paul spells out three components of a healthy church: faith, their labor of love, and putting their ultimate hope in Jesus' return. These components give us a great model today to emulate in our Christian communities.

Stoke Up Your Spiritual Fire

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 1:1-7

Paul directs young Timothy not to start a new spiritual fire but to kindle afresh the fire he already has. It hasn't gone out; it merely needs to be stoked back up to a roaring blaze. It doesn't need something new, just more of what fed the fire in the first place. He needs to return to the basics of his faith. A little more time in the Word, in prayer, in fellowship with God's people will go a long way in rekindling smoldering embers.

Faith That Works

Mike Sullivan
James 2:14-26

When people say they have faith yet have no works, can that faith save them? James helps us understand how, even under God's grace, faithful "works" show our relationship with God.

Jesus the Miracle Worker

James Rochford
Mark 10:46-52

Mark records many miracles of Jesus. Are miracles plausible? If so, how should a belief in miracles affect our spiritual lives?

True Faith vs. Mental Assent

Ryan Lowery
James 2:14-26

James argues that faith without works is a dead faith. Faith and works are not enemies, but they are united. Although we are not saved by works, we do demonstrate the authenticity of our faith by our works. Saving faith is an invisible transaction between God and the receiver of His grace. Works are the visible response to the salvation received. Works demonstrate to a watching word that our faith is genuine and inspires others to learn more about this God we follow.

Greatness in the Kingdom

Conrad Hilario
Mark 9:14-37

In this passage Jesus redefines greatness. Unlike the world, greatness in his kingdom will be characterized by both faith and humility. Jesus gives two stories that illustrate these two qualities.