The Unfinished Business of History

Jim Leffel
Daniel 11:1-12:13

All throughout Daniel's visions of kingdoms, there are hints of a kingdom distinct from but related to Rome, that has not come yet. This final kingdom is connected with Rome because Rome has come to be an ultimate symbol of human corruption. It is also connected with Antiochus Epiphanes because it will have an evil ruler who claims divinity, commits unparalleled violence, and coincides with a time of great tribulation. After this 7 year period of tribulation, Jesus will return to set things right.

Suffering and Spiritual Warfare

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 11:1-12:13

For healthy Christians, a significant portion of voluntary pain comes from our battle with Satan. Currently, Satan rules this world, meaning that Christians are always in a spiritual battle. Contrast having this mindset with having a peace-time mentality, and see how dangerous it is to remain indifferent.

Basic Training

Scott Risley
1 Kings 15-17

Israel is led by a series of progressively evil, short-lived kings. Ahab and Jezebel take over, installing altars to Baal and an Asherah pole. This angers the Lord and he sends Elijah, the prophet, to tell Ahab there will be no rain for three years in Israel. Elijah goes into hiding, eventually meeting a widow with enough flour and oil for one last meal before starvation.

General Revelation (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:18-20

Despite the existence of an all-powerful, all-good God, evil still exists in this world. Every worldview has to account for the problem of evil; it is not only a problem for Christians. Looking at atheism, pantheism, animism, and biblical theism, we see that only biblical theism has an answer.

Occult Confrontation

Dennis McCallum
Mark 5:1-20

Jesus' interaction with the Gerasene demoniac gives us insight into how to confront matters of the occult. Occult worship is empowered by Satan and can lead to incredibly harmful results for people who don't know Jesus, including possession and spiritual oppression. From Jesus' account, we see some characteristics of demon possession, including: 1) extraordinary strength; 2) paroxysms; 3) spiritual resistance; 4) self-destructive tendencies; and 5) tongues and voices. Jesus has ultimate authority, including over the demonic forces controlling people. Those involved in occult practice should denounce it under Christ's authority and turn towards Christ for real security from evil forces.

Gospel and Postmodern Culture (Part 4)

Jim Leffel
Romans 8:28

Part four of a four-part series on the Gospel impacting postmodern culture. We are called upon by God to give an account for the hope that is within us with gentleness and respect. How do we respond to questions about God being loving when we live in a world full of evil and suffering? A basic framework for understanding the problem of evil is presented to help us engage with others on this topic.\r\n

Living on a Permanent Visa

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 2:11-25

Peter gives practical instruction to ?resident aliens? on how to live in a society that is fundamentally flawed. He tackles difficult topics such as the Christian's relationship to government and slavery. As Christians we are to live for Christ's reputation rather than our own personal rights, responding to injustice as Jesus did.\r\n

The Ten Plagues

Lee Campbell
Exodus 7:2-6

God causes 10 plagues against the Egyptians that directly correlate with the Egyptian gods. Many view the plagues as disturbing due to the judgement on the Egyptians. However, God rescues the oppressed in order to show His character through this situation. Additionally, God persuades the oppressor to show that He alone is God. In the hardship that people face, it might require patient enduring until God finishes His persuading of the oppressor. God will ultimately stop the oppression because He is just.

Destroying Fortresses

Dennis McCallum
John 8:44

Paul explained that Christians are in a spiritual war against Satan and his forces. This isn't a war of swords and spears, but it is a war of truth. We are able to fight away Satan's lies with the Word of truth (the Bible).