The Flood

James Rochford
1 Peter 3:20-21

After some time in human history, God looked at His creation and saw total depravity across the world. It broke God's heart and He brought judgment on the world through the Flood. There is considerable debate about whether the events of Noah and the Flood were real events in human history or not. There are also 270 accounts of "a flood" in different cultures worldwide which does point to a common historical event. The plausibility of the Flood is discussed as well as if it was a local or global event.

A New Beginning

Scott Risley
Genesis 12:2-3

After the flood Noah was disgraced by his son Ham, so Noah cursed the descendents of Ham's son Canaan. Noah's family started to multiply, and God told them to spread out across the Earth. When the people decide to stick together, God divided them by giving them different languages at the tower of Babel.

The Causes, Effects, and Solution for the Fall

James Rochford
Genesis 3:1-24

When God created Adam and Eve, they lived in the Garden of Eden in perfect harmony and contentment. However, Satan approached Eve and prompted her to question God's instructions about the Tree of Life. Since God gave them free will, Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree that God said not to; therefore, rebelling against God and allowing sin to enter the world. Take a look at the causes, effects and the solution to the fall of man-that still has lasting consequences to this day!

The Days of Noah

Scott Risley
Matthew 24:37-39

Noah built an ark because God commanded him to do so. Noah and his family floated in the ark as the rest of humanity faded away. God used Noah and his family to rebuild humanity. Noah was faithful to God and he tried to warn the people of his time.

Wherever the Corpse is, There the Vulture Will Gather

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 2:17

Jesus talks to his disciples about the end of the age and God's judgment of evil. The Bible reveals a God who takes evil seriously and whose judgment is in connection to His love. Through God's mercy, Jesus has taken on himself the judgment we deserve.

Fallout from the Fall

Scott Risley
Romans 5:19

Adam and Eve had sons named Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel, and with this Cain committed the first murder. God disciplined Cain for his act of murdering Abel. God also gave us notice that he was going to send His son to save humanity.

The Beginning (Part 3)

Scott Risley
Isaiah 45:18

Moses gives us a creation account relayed to him by God. God created the universe, Earth, and life forms of every kind. We hear 3 views of how to interpret Genesis 1 and God's creation in light of what we know about the formation of Earth.

The Nature of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:21-25

There is a review of the five characteristics of people before the fall (from the previous teaching), followed by an examination of the final two characteristics. Namely, that humans were created shameless and with both unity and diversity. Some current statistics are analyzed about sex and marriage. Lastly, there is a comparison of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.

The Problem of Evil

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3:23-25

Jesus asks hard questions to draw out peoples' inaccurate view of God's approach to sin and righteousness - where the unfortunate are punished by God and the righteous are not. Jesus' denies this view. Four worldviews are discussed, three are argued against regarding the ?Problem of Evil,? the Biblical view on evil and suffering being the only logical and loving belief system, revealing the real character of God.