Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

One might suppose the Samaritan woman at the well would be the least likely person to ever follow Jesus. She is the wrong gender, race, religion, and morality. The barriers are numerous. Yet, Jesus pursues the unlikely, like this sinful woman who doesn't even know she is thirsty. She learns she is very thirsty, and the only thing that will quench that thirst is a relationship with God. Jesus has removed every barrier to receiving the living water he offers.

Paul's Guide to Max Gains

Scott Risley
Philippians 1:12-26

Paul, the greatest Christian evangelist of all time, sits in prison, chained to guards day and night. What appears to be a devastating blow to the spread of the Gospel, is actually part of God's plan so he can do an even bigger work. Rather than being frustrated by his chains, by his loss of freedom, Paul lets God use him right where he is, in prison. His immobility actually allowed the Gospel to be spread to the far reaches of the Roman empire through those very guards chained to his wrists.

Fulfill Your Ministry

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 4:1-8

Knowing the end of his life is near, Paul charges Timothy to fulfill his ministry with restraint and endurance. He exhorts him to run his race, fight the good fight, and receive the crown of righteousness when he has fulfilled his ministry. Even though his life was about to end, Paul filled his message to Timothy with encouragement to finish well as he had done.

Guard the Treasure

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 1:13-2:2

in Paul's final letter, he has a final charge for Timothy - to look after the great treasure of the Gospel which Paul entrusted to him. Ben Foust describes how we are carry on this same great legacy today.

An Introduction to the Book of James

Mike Sullivan
2 Timothy 1:13-2:2

The Book of James is different than most of the other New Testament books especially in its tone. Other writers of NT letters were balanced between what God has done for us and what we can do for God. James, on the other hand, focuses strongly on what we can do for God. He emphatically urges us to be doers of the Word. He was aware of the extreme need the dispersed believers were experiencing as they fled persecution in Jerusalem. His tone was different also because he was reaching a different audience than other writers. He was urging Jewish Christians to remove cultural barriers to the gospel so that the gospel could reach as many people as possible.

Leaving the Nest

Scott Risley
Mark 6:1-13

The disciples have spent over a year learning from the Master. Now it's time for them to go out and put into practice what they have learned. Jesus sends them out on their first mission and gives them specific instructions about how to serve as his representative. We'll study his instructions and draw application for our lives today.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Sharing Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 1:8

The book of Acts unfolds the multi-faceted ways the Holy Spirit enables us to be Jesus' witnesses: 1) He guides us into opportunities to share; 2) He gives us courage and articulation as we share; 3) He convicts people of their need for Jesus; 4) He enables us to do confirming deeds of love; and 5) He encourages us when we experience opposition.\r\n

How the Holy Spirit Empowers Us to Witness

Mike Sullivan
Acts 1:8

The new testament makes clear that God's plan for spreading the gospel is that believers should be his witnesses; we do not do so by our own power, but through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us by guiding us and opening doors for the gospel, providing us with wisdom and the courage to speak, convicting and drawing people to Jesus, and confirming the truth of our message.

The Holy Spirit & the Mission of Jesus

Mike Sullivan
Acts 1:8

The Bible makes clear that Jesus lived his life and carried out his mission through dependence on the Holy Spirit. Likewise, Christians should live lives of purpose, carrying out our God-given mission of sharing the gospel, with much prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit to work within and through us.