Grace-Awakened Evangelism

George Verwer
Ephesians 6:10-20

God calls His people to help build His kingdom in every nation and in every country. How do we practically do that? How can we reach people for Christ all over the world? George Verwer has many years of real life experience in doing just that. He says the way God's people respond to God's grace has a powerful effect on other people for God. Responding to the needs we see around us and serving our neighbors and communities will help spread God's message to people who need to hear it.\r\n

A Global Perspective

George Verwer
Luke 10:25-37

George Verwer argues that believers do not have to travel to another country in order for God to give them a heart for that country. A commitment to world evangelism will change your life! Verwer says that if we are going to reach people with God's message, we have to get into their lives and meet people where they are at. This is exactly the example we see in the Bible with the story of the Good Samaritan. Find out what else Verwer has to say about having a global perspective of the Gospel.\r\n

Christians and Their Neighbors (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 4:2-6

Three ways to reach out with God's message include: 1) prayer; 2) lifestyle; and 3) words. With the focus on prayer Paul instructs Christians to pray in six ways: 1) with watchfulness; 2) with thanksgiving; 3) expressing belief; 4) incorporating intercessory prayer; 5) for open doors; and 6) with power of God. This is a powerful tool when reaching out and should be included in Christians' efforts. Prayer is the power that moves people.

Christians and Their Neighbors (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 5:18-20

Paul shares three ways Christians can share their faith: 1) prayer; 2) lifestyle; and 3) words. In regard to lifestyle, the way Christians live has the potential to endanger the message of Christ or attract people to the message of Christ. Christians should follow Christ's example in living a lifestyle of love to demonstrate who God is. There are excellent opportunities in the workplace to live with integrity and to selflessly show God's love.\r\n

Dual Citizenship

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 2:1-2

What does the phrase "separation of church and state" mean? What does the Bible have to say about this and what does it say about a Christian's engagement with the government? This section of Romans covers three principles: 1) be careful about bringing Christ's name into partisan politics; 2) Christians should be examples of respectful and thoughtful political discussion; and 3) discover your evangelical heritage.\r\n

The Mystery of the Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 8:11-14

Jesus uses parables to teach about the Kingdom of God. The Mystery of the Kingdom that Jesus is teaching about is the period in history between Jesus' first and second coming. Each of these parables affirm what the Old Testament Prophets taught but also reveals something new. God's priorities are explained and His will revealed through these parables. He desires all people to come to Him and those who do get the privilege of having a role in sharing His Good News to others.\r\n

Jesus Calls Disciples

Gary DeLashmutt
John 1:35-42

Jesus calls four men to follow him and be his disciples. Four principles of discipleship are discussed: 1) discipleship begins by making an informed decision to receive Jesus as Messiah; 2) discipleship involves living in community with other disciples; 3) discipleship involves embracing Jesus' call to influence others for him; and 4) discipleship means allowing Jesus to continually change our lives. It is important for disciples of Jesus to be continual learners. He can use anyone to impact the world as long as they are willing. Living this way brings much joy and satisfaction.\r\n

Reaching your neighbors

Mark Ashton
John 1:35-42

Ashton gives five steps to reach your neighbors: 1) prayer; 2) meet neighbors; 3) recreate Mayberry; 4) begin a seeker group; 5) invite to services and special events. These can be summed up in making the most of opportunities and building relationships. Focusing on a few neighbors at first and having regular contact by incorporating them in everyday life are a few additional ideas that has given him success. Remembering God is involved and powerful will help with situations that seem questionable.\r\n

The Seeker Small Group

Mark Ashton
John 1:35-42

Mark gives practical instruction to start and lead successful seeker small groups in order to help others learn about Jesus. These begin with pre-evangelism, purposing to help get people interested in Jesus. There is a wide range of flexibility in what these can look like but they all have the same intent; to invite already established relationships to a place that is comfortable. Mark's simple strategy involves three steps involving prayer: 1) relationships; 2) invitation; and 3) implementation. He explains ten irrefutable laws of seeker groups that give direction in starting one. He gives many resources to help facilitate people at all stages of interest.\r\n