Following Jesus in a Pluralistic World

Dennis McCallum
Acts 17:1-33

Paul reasons through the scriptures in Thessalonica, only to be driven out by some Jews and end up in the cultural hub of Athens. This city had idol worship of various kinds and was a spot for pluralistic thinking. Today, pluralism is such a potent belief - the idea that all beliefs are equally valid. Paul spoke to this pluralistic culture by finding common ground with them without compromising on God's Truth and showing how God is so distinct and true as opposed to the false idols they were worshiping. It's important to realize God's claims through scripture stand in total contrast to pluralistic thinking, and that people must make a decision about the truth and validity revealed through Jesus Christ. This teaching includes two separate interviews, on the topic of worshiping false idols and if all religions are valid.

Paul's Second Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:9-40

Paul continues his pioneering efforts to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, illuminating more principles of ministry. His interaction with the woman Lydia in Thyatira shows the importance of finding a person of peace, someone who is responsive to God and eager to reach their friends. Paul also interacts with a slave girl who was being overcome with a demonic spirit and casts the spirit out, highlighting the fierce spiritual struggle that Christian ministry really is. Paul and Silas are severely beaten and flogged and thrown in prison and yet sing praises to God in prayer. When encountering suffering, the attitude we adopt matters because we're serving God and shows a lot about God. Lastly, the experience with the jailer Paul encounters emphasizes that Christian ministry is based around grace and that God is capable of using any circumstance for His purpose.

Paul's Second Journey (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 15:36-16:13

Paul's second missionary journey reflects several key New Testament principles of serving God through ministry: 1) timing; 2) contextualization; 3) centering ministry around discipleship; and 4) being led and empowered in the work by the Holy Spirit. From Paul's example, we see someone who, from the moment he received Jesus Christ into his heart, began immediately serving God. Paul made extensive efforts to ensure there weren't barriers for communicating with people from different cultures. He also centered his work around training and equipping others in discipleship to go and do God's work and wasn't human-centered, but depended on God's guidance through the Holy Spirit in the work God had placed before him.

Paul's First Journey (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 13:1-49

Paul begins his first missionary journey, starting with the church at Antioch. Led by the Holy Spirit, Paul and Barnabas set out to tell others areas about Jesus, including locations such as Cyprus, Salamis, Paphos, Perga and more. This is the first recorded missionary journey, and flies in the face of the postmodern thought that the account of the history and truth are arbitrary as God divinely orchestrated His plan to send broken people to tell others about the love of Jesus Christ. Throughout all of Paul and Barnabas' journey, they were led by the Holy Spirit and encountered much resistance and even flagrant persecution. The same principles for Christians today should stand. As we go and tell others about the love of Christ, we should depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance and expect resistance in a world that is resistant to God's revealed truth through His Word.

Into Judea and Samaria

Scott Risley
Romans 8:9

Philip the Evangelist goes out to preach the Gospel. We see how God will sometimes send us into uncomfortable situations that may lead to persecution. We see through Philip how God will use these situations to cause good things according to his will.

The Opposition Begins

Scott Risley
Acts 3:1-4:31

We learn about the healing of the crippled man by Peter and John. They preach the gospel to the crowd and are taken before the Jewish council. We learn about the miracle of healing and what it should look like.

Through the Roof Academy (Part 4)

Donna Hughes
Debra Petermann
Acts 3:1-4:31

Joni and Friends is an international disability center that focuses on ministering to people with disabilities and their families. Throughout this presentation, Debra and Donna outline the numerous programs given through the organization, which include Family Retreats, Through The Roof, Wheels for the World, and Special Delivery. They also offer equipping materials for individuals who are interested in starting similar minded ministries and programs in their own churches.

Reaching High School & College Students

Scott Risley
Conrad Hilario
Acts 3:1-4:31

Reaching and investing in high school and college students is vital, but comes with numerous obstacles. Students today have a difficult time valuing and seeing real truth, and we need to help equip them with God's truth to combat the cynicism they often feel toward it. We also need to help students see that their identity is in God, unwavering and valuable, instead of in the things that culture preaches. And we need to paint a vision for students to sell out for God, to buy into His truth, and make an investment there that will last into eternity. As we do this, we can paint a sincere vision for students that their contribution is needed and highly valued in God's kingdom.

From Old to New

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-26

Luke wrote this letter to Theophilus in 60 AD to account the Acts of the Apostles during the early church. The account describes Jesus' instructions to wait in Jerusalem until receiving the Holy Spirit, who would empower the apostles to spread the gospel message outwards. The new program God was trying to introduce would be fully realized at Pentecost, where believers would be indwelt permanently by the Holy Spirit, who would become the focus of how to serve God outwardly through sharing Jesus with others.