Using Freedom for Love

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 9:19-24

Paul calls for believers to set aside our personal freedoms and strong opinions for the sake of the gospel and showing God's love to others.

Excellent Behavior Part 1

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:11-17

What does the way you live your life communicate to the "watching world?" Do your actions refute negative misconceptions about Christians or do they confirm them? Peter gives concrete examples of how to show the world the truth by what you do. By honoring all people, loving the brotherhood, fearing God and honoring the king, we can show Christ to the world.

Truth and Transformation

Jim Leffel
Titus 3:4-8

Titus sums up his argument that once we were sinful and apart from God, but now we have been saved by Grace. From this salvation, believers can go out and radically impart God's love onto others.

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 4:7-18

God allows us to experience suffering to break down our self-reliance and let more of His aroma out. This process of Christ being formed in us occurs as we die to self and live for Christ. God sustains us with His power and He enables us to have greater spiritual impact on others.

The Diversity of Gifting and Roles in the Body of Christ

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 4:7-16

Many modern churches have a centralized leadership model where the pastor or priest is the head of the church and the rest of the congregation looks to the pastor to do the majority of the work. Whereas the Biblical model has a decentralized model where there are leaders but the entire work of ministry is distributed among all the members of the church. The Bible is clear all Christians have been given spiritual gifts to be used to serve the Body of Christ, building it up in love.

Unity Out of Diversity

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:7-16

Because Christians are united with Christ, they have unity with other Christians. This is not a unity we generate, but a unity we must strive to maintain. Just as our bodies are made up of many parts, so too is the Body of Christ made up of many different individuals who work together, each doing their unique role, to build up the Body of Christ for the work God created each of us to do.

The Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 1 & 2

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Having received reconciliation through Christ, God offers us the ministry of reconciliation. Not only are we to speak the message of reconciliation, but we are to live in a way that validates the message. We demonstrate the reality of our faith in Christ by our costly commitment, our genuine godliness, and our dependence upon God. This results in a paradoxical quality of life where some will thank us and some will vilify us. We will live difficult lives, but our quality of life is ensured by our relationship with God.

Start Something New

Jeremy Stephens
2 Corinthians 6:1-10

The home church is a massive gift and the epicenter of incredible Jesus-centered activity. Yet, for some of us there is an itch to expand, experiment, and try new things. How do we innovate to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel in creative ways? This session offers insight into how to develop environments that start something new.

Lights in the Midst of a Dark World

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:14-16

Being light in a dark world requires both a lifestyle witness and a verbal witness. Our lifestyle witness must not contain grumbling nor disputing. Our verbal witness must focus on God's love and grace rather than other parts of the biblical worldview that can be the source of contention with non-Christians. Instead, focus on inviting people to receive Christ's life rather than winning an argument.