The Disciples' First Mission

Scott Risley
Matthew 9:35-38

When Jesus sent out the disciples on their first mission journey, he was teaching them important ministry principles that apply to us today as well. First, we go in the authority of Jesus. it is not under our own power that we are able to serve supernaturally. Jesus calls us to work together in teams not autonomously. We focus our effort where there is responsiveness. We must learn to trust God for our provision. And finally, our mission is very important.

Freedom to Identify

Jim Leffel
Matthew 9:35-36

What does it mean to be ?all things to all people?? In this passage, Paul gives his own example of willingly using his freedom to cross cultural divides. Doing so removes any cultural obstacle from those considering a relationship with Christ and creates unexpected, yet sweet relationships based on the Gospel. Testimony by Carolyn Anson.

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:5-6

Jesus tells a parable of a mustard seed and the yeast. The parable describes a small growth that eventually becomes large and widespread, something that fits in with the small, yet widespread growth in Christianity over the years. Today, Christians have the immense privilege in participating in God's work that is spreading throughout the world as we: pray for the nations to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, give our financial resources to God's work, and even go ourselves to spread the message of the gospel. As Christians comprehend the love of Jesus, we can become more and more motivated to love those who do not know Jesus and to get engaged with God's global plan.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 13:24-30

Jesus discusses parables concerning the kingdom of God and gives revelation previously not seen in the Old Testament. Through these parables, God's purposes for His church, His followers, and what His priorities are can be clearly understood. This parable describes the separation between Christians and non-Christians when Jesus returns to establish dominion and also teaches that in the meantime, Christians, or "the wheat" are called to live alongside non-Christians in attempts to have them also come to know Jesus. Moving towards those who do not know Jesus provides Christians with real purpose and joy as they await the return of Jesus.

Reaching High School and College Students

Ruth W
1 John 2:15-17

Insights into three barriers to student ministry, highlighting the "Gen Y" or the "Millennial" generations as examples and practical approaches to student ministry are discussed.

Reaching Internationals in Our Cities

Rich Mendola
1 John 2:15-17

Reaching internationals around us is not only a call from God but also strategic for expanding God's kingdom. God calls us to love and be hospitable to strangers, going out of our comfort zone to offer friendship and assist with practical needs. Investing in internationals in our own cities is a wise investment because they can go back to their countries to share God's message with others, saving thousands of dollars for what a missionary would cost. Even internationals that decide to stay in our cities have a large influence with people in their home countries too. This presentation ends with some practical ways we can get involved with and help internationals in our cities.

Should I Not Love this City? - God's Community Adorning the Gospel

John Cleary
Titus 2:9-10

We are called to go out from our circle of Christian friends into the cities around us, full of people who need to know God. Far too often, we fail to follow Jesus' example and his pursuit of people who are different from us. Because of this, our gifts are often never fully utilized. As we serve the communities we live in, we can answer the call to let our light shine before men. There are endless open doors for loving people through both word and deeds, something that will refresh us as well as give life to others.

Jesus Takes His Ministry to the People

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 4:12-22

Jesus travels to the sea of Galilee where he meets Peter and Andrew and calls them to follow him. Later, he calls John and James as well to leave behind what they have and follow them. This is the first introduction of Biblical discipleship, the way in which Jesus would reach others. Through one one one mentoring, Jesus would use this method to equip people to go out and reach others to mentor in the things of God. Discipleship is the method used throughout the New Testament by people like Paul, Timothy, and others. The first step for someone who wants to become effective in discipleship is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ by asking for his forgiveness.

Jesus Sends His Disciples

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 10:1-20

In Jesus' sending of the 72, he teaches important lessons on the mission, message, and motivation of following him. The mission is to go out to the people who don't know him. The message is to tell people that Jesus is the Messiah and to receive him. The motivation is based on the identity that he has given us, and not the identity we try to earn from service.