Marriage Evangelism

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:1-9

In many different religions and cultures, women are not respected and have no rights. The Bible, however, has a high view of women. Peter is speaking to Christian wives who have non-Christian husbands. He explains how to live as Christians while loving and submitting to their husbands. Peter advises these women to a silent witness in order to win their husbands over by their behavior: respecting their husbands, avoiding casting suspicion, and not focusing on the world's view of beauty. Peter also calls on husbands to honor their wives by being faithful, gentle, and considering their needs.

Living Water

Gary DeLashmutt
John 4:1-41

Jesus initiates a conversation with a Samaritan woman drawing water out of a well and tells her about "living water". Living water is a synonym for salvation that comes from Jesus, it is abundantly available to whoever asks and is essential for spiritual life. The woman accepts Jesus and immediately shares the news with her village. Our greatest privilege is sharing this living water with others and the act of sharing is very important for a vibrant spiritual life.

Awesome Community (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:41-47

The description of the early Church in Acts 2 details the transforming effect of the Word of God, as the people prayed and praised God together they were unified by His Spirit. Rather than living autonomously, the people had unity in their shared purpose. Our purpose today is the same, to bring the message of human sin and God's free gift of forgiveness to the world! \r\n \r\n\r\n

Proclaiming the "Good News"

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:1-41

During the Jewish Festival of Weeks, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit and the new chapter of the church officially begins. Peter conveys the God's message of reconciliation to the crowds that have gathered, pointing to the prophecy that has been fulfilled in the book of Joel. We have been entrusted with this same message of reconciliation, and can have the same confidence in the Holy Spirit to work through us to reach the world with it!

The Commission

Jim Leffel
Acts 1:1-8

The book of Acts provides us with an incredible historical account of the birth of the early church. The world is profoundly changed as Christ ascends and commissions his disciples it carry out his plan on Earth. The global spread of the church came in waves from this point, and continues in our day both locally and internationally. We can learn from the early church not by idealizing it but rather by imitating it.

Fishers of Men

Ryan Lowery
Luke 5:1-11

Jesus made it clear how he would accomplish his mission to save the lost when he climbed into Simon Peter's boat on the Sea of Galilee. In this encounter, he taught 4 lessons: 1) about the Word of God; 2) we need to put our faith in him; 3) when we follow or trust Christ we see him in a new light; and 4) Jesus is calling people to join in his work of evangelism.

The Way To Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Luke 3:1-18

John the baptist was a prophesied precursor to Jesus who preached a baptism of repentance, directed attention to Jesus, and pointed the way to salvation. While repentance from sinful habits is good, the most it can do is point towards the need for forgiveness. Present-day followers of Christ should help people to see their wrong thinking about God so that they can accept his grace.

All Quiet in the Western Church

Craig McElvain
Matthew 9:16-17

The statistical decline of people in the Western church is alarming, and if continues at its current rate, the church is at risk of dissolving into an ineffective, forgotten task force. This decline is apparent in both attendance and church planting, though church planting is still the most effective mode of growing the church as evident by the research. The Western church may be in decline due to the church (and the believers inside of it) having often become impersonal, selfish, and hypocritical. Apart from these characteristics, there is hope if we emphasize aspects common to all church planting movements, ten of which are included in this presentation.

The Role of Apologetics in Evangelism

James Rochford
Matthew 9:16-17

Apologetics are the rational defense and articulate communication of Christianity. They are used to rouse curiosity in people, give credibility to the Christian worldview, remove barriers to belief, and build the confidence of Christian workers. Christians should learn how to use apologetics in a convincing, but gentle, way.