Following Jesus in a Pluralisitc World

Dennis McCallum
Acts 17:1-33

Paul continues on his second missionary journey; he is persecuted and driven out of Thessalonia, Berea, and arrives in Athens by himself. Here Paul has a more receptive audience and presents arguments to refute present day postmodern pluralism.

Shining a Light in a Dark Place

Conrad Hilario
Acts 18:1-23

Sometimes those who are farthest away can be most receptive to God. Move on in a respectful way if people are not responding to the message of Christ. We shouldn't be afraid to share the message of Christ.

The Second Journey Continued

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:9-40

Paul and Silas are in the city of Philippi and encounter persecution as they tell people about Jesus. Four ministry principles are related based on Paul and Silas' faith in the face of spiritual opposition.

Bridging Christ and Culture

Conrad Hilario
Romans 1:18-20

We shouldn't hesitate from using Old Testament prophesy when talking to people about Christ. We shouldn't limit ourselves to talking to people just like us either. We should always be looking for ways to introduce Christ to people who do not know Gods' grace.

From Antioch to Antioch

Scott Risley
Acts 11:19-13:38

As a result of persecution, many believers in Christ are scattered outside Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit leads Barnabas to seek out the apostle Paul and bring him to Antioch. Early missionary work begins. God works through Paul to preach the Gospel in Antioch of Pisidia.

Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Conrad Hilario
Acts 2:1-41

Foreshadowing of the work of Christ in the Old Testament Jewish festivals explained briefly. Principles of an effective witness include: 1) the power of God; 2) giving credit to Christ for our changed lives; 3) being prepared to offer evidence; 4) highlighting God's grace; 5) explaining how we personally transact with God; and 6) being persistent.

Jesus' Parting Words

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 28:18-20

An introduction to the book of Acts. Time is spent explaining the Churches central mission ( the Great Commission) what that looks like in our lives and the role of the Holy Spirit.

Being Ambassadors for Christ

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Our goal as Christians is to represent Christ and his love to the world. We are to be Christ's ambassadors. Paul addresses in his letter to the Corinthians first why we should be ambassadors for Christ, and then how to do this. We become effective ambassadors when we learn to: not be unnecessarily offensive, endure hardship, and represent God instead of our own interests.

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 1) - Violence and Hope in the Middle East

Fouad Masri
Matthew 28:18-29

In an age of terrorism, many questions emerge about the Islamic faith. There are vast numbers of Muslims in our world today, and we should seek both to understand their faith as well as to share the love of Christ with them, rather than drawing back in response to violence that may be displayed in the media. This workshop explores the Islamic concept of jihad and its relation with terrorism, as well as other key beliefs of Islam. God is at work in the Muslim world, and we can participate in Christ's mission here.