Evangelism Insights from Francis Schaeffer

Josh Benadum
Romans 10:14

Francis Schaeffer, a nineteenth century, prominent theologian, provides several key insights into faithful and biblical evangelism that is transcendent across culture and time. Schaeffer was convinced that we must become preoccupied with reaching the people of our current generation. We should not settle for a superficial knowledge of secular ideology, and we should hold loosely to language or methods that may be barriers to the gospel. While we want to adorn the gospel with authentic Christian love and community, we never want to compromise the truth as we do so. Finally, we can have confidence to point every individual toward a God who is truly there.

Too Good to Be False

Tom Gilson
Romans 10:14

The accounts of Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospels paint an incredible picture. We should examine the evidence for the historicity of these accounts. Gilson compares and contrasts several theories and gives practical suggestions on how to dialogue about this topic.

Our Part in Evangelism

Chris Risley
Romans 10:14

We have an important role to play in the process of evangelism! We can play this role through 1) prayer, 2) preparation, 3) planting seeds, 4) modeling authentic christianity and 4) being aware of opposition. \r\n\r\n

A Profile of Christian Conversion

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

The Bible talks about the "good news" of God's forgiveness. To move from disbelief to belief is a process. Learn about the different elements of this process and how God spreads His message.


Ben Foust
Acts 18:1-18

Paul travels to the city of Corinth, known for its wealth, hedonism, education, and spiritual relativism--not unlike our culture today. God reveals to Paul that He has many people in that city, and many come to faith in Christ. Like Paul, we should be ready to share the Gospel with those to whom God leads us, no matter how unlikely their response may seem.

Using Your Freedom to Love - Part 2

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 9:1-22

The Apostle Paul explains to the Corinthians how he makes the message of Christ relevant to both Jews and Gentiles in the different cultures he encounters. In the same way, Christians today should not seek to change culture, nor create their own Christian sub-culture, but rather find ways to show how the gospel message is compatible with culture in many ways while being careful not to adopt anti-biblical cultural values.

Paul in Corinth

Chris Risley
Acts 18:2-18

In this introduction to 1 Corinthians, we'll take a look at the history of Corinth and Paul's time there teaching the word of God.

Shining Light in a Dark Place

Conrad Hilario
Acts 18:1-18

In this introduction to the book of 1 Corinthians, we learn that God can meet us where we are, even in the murkiest of places. Those who know Him are called to shine as beacons of light, holding out the abundant grace of God in a dark world.

Judea & Samaria

Ben Foust
Acts 8:1-39

Jesus' followers encounter persecution that results in them being scattered. While all appears hopeless, God actually uses their circumstance to advance the gospel into Samaria, just as Jesus predicted. This passage also covers Philip's encounter with a eunuch, where Philip powerfully shares the gospel, dependent upon the Holy Spirit.