I Am the Bread of Life

Scott Risley
John 6:25-69

Jesus asked the the crowd why they were there and were they hungry.  The crowd was hungry for regular bread and wanted to see a miraculous sign, but Jesus wanted to give them the bread of life so that He could fill the God-shaped hole in their lives.

Testing the Claims of Jesus

James Rochford
John 5:31-40

Predictive prophecy is a powerful witness to the validity of the  outrageous claims of Jesus.  With a little bit of studying Scripture, one can discern that the ninth chapter of the book of Daniel accurately predicts the year the Messiah would be killed.  Jesus died on the cross the very year that Daniel predicted hundreds of years earlier.

Do Good People Go to Heaven?

James Rochford
John 3:1-18

Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born both of water and of the spirit to go to heaven.  He must be born again.  Nicodemus is astonished that all his good credentials are not enough to qualify him for heaven.  He must put his faith in Jesus to be saved.

"Who Do You Say that I Am?"

Conrad Hilario
Mark 8:27-37

When first confronted with who Jesus is, one must make a few decisions. The first is do you believe Jesus is God's Savior? This is a personal, significant and polarizing decision. The second decision is will you entrust and devote your entire life to Jesus and His message? To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, to give up yourself for Jesus, you will find your true self and gain Jesus and everything else thrown in.

He's My Neighbor?

Patrice McCormac
Luke 10:25-38

With the sea of complex needs surrounding us, it is easy and tempting to just keep on walking past people in need. This parable is a challenging call to action. God has placed you where you are today and He will make you adequate and work through your weaknesses to love your neighbors as yourself.

Life After Life:Evidence for the Resurrection

Lee Campbell
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Christianity is like no other religious system. Christians have compelling evidence for the literal resurrection of Jesus which means we, too, will be resurrected in due time. We can share this knowledge to comfort and encourage other grieving Christians.

Want to Make an Impact?

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 2

If you want to make an impact in this world, you must start with asking God for eternal life. Then, share it boldly with others. Follow Paul's example of holding forth the Word of God and seeking only to please God. Learn to love with tenderness as well as toughness when needed.

Focusing on the Next Life Encourages Us in this Life

Ryan Weingartner
2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10

God promises that suffering in this life will bear fruit in this life as well as the life to come. We can be encouraged by this because we know that whatever we endure is nothing in comparison to the glory to be revealed in the next life. If we fix our eyes on the unseen realities to come, we can bear up under the sufferings this world has to offer.

The Endless Privileges of Being United with Jesus

Chris Hearty
Ephesians 1:1-14

Starting off the book of Ephesians, Paul states that God has blessed His people with every spiritual blessing and gives us an eternal inheritance. He goes on to say that at the moment we put our faith in Christ, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit.