The Bread of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 6:22-69

After feeding the multitude, Jesus approaches the crowds and calls out their attitude for following him to receive temporal blessings. Jesus explains he is worth pursuing because he offers eternal life to those who believe. Jesus then shows how he is the Bread of Life, a metaphor showing the he is the ultimate source of fulfillment in our lives. People need to consider if they will look to Jesus to meet their needs or try and run their lives by themselves. It's important to note that this passage is not describing communion or needing to replace Jesus with human priests, based on the text itself, along with the historical, conceptual and theological context.

Jesus' Hard Teachings

Conrad Hilario
John 6:40

Jesus challenges people who are following Him with some hard teachings. He confronts them for following Him for only what they get out of it. He challenges them not to live for things that will perish, but for things that will last for eternity. He confronts the idea that they can work their way to God and claims He is the only way. Lastly, He tells them they need to believe in Him because He is the bread of life.

Faith, Hope and Love

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Faith, hope, and love are the three New Testament values which demonstrate how what we believe, what we long for, and how we live intersect. All of this is based on the message of the gospel. The natural result of these things for the Thessalonians was to spread this message to others.

Four Witnesses to Jesus' Authority

Scott Risley
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Scripture and secular historians confirm Jesus is the Christ, the son of God. Four witnesses to Jesus' identity include: 1) John the Baptist; 2) Jesus' works; 3) God's inner voice; and 4) Scripture. A prophecy from Daniel 9 also points to the validity of Jesus' claims. The evidence provided for the dates and events described in the prophecies are undeniable.

Four Witnesses Testify About Jesus

Conrad Hilario
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Jesus claims we can have eternal life through Him. He calls on four witnesses to testify about the truthfulness of this claim: 1) John the Baptist, 2) miraculous works, 3) the Holy Spirit, and 4) Old Testament scriptures. The prophecy in Daniel 9 is discussed as an example of the Old Testament validating Jesus as the promised Messiah.

Two Toxic Mentalities

Scott Risley
John 5:1-26

Two toxic mentalities are revealed through Jesus' miracle of healing a lame man: the victim mentality and the religious mentality. These mentalities are incompatible with real faith and keep people from believing. Jesus asks two questions as he interacts with the lame man and the Jewish leaders: 1) Do you want to get well; and 2) Are you willing to believe?

The Pool of Bethesda

Dennis McCallum
John 5:1-24

Jesus is in Jerusalem when he runs into a man who has been sick for 38 years. Jesus performs a miracle on the Sabbath and heals the man, who begins to walk again. Jesus performed this miracle to combat the religious mentality and to highlight the desire God has to heal broken lives. Jesus also discusses the authority God has given him to grant eternal life to those who believe in him. God cares more about the heart than outward dedication and wants people to inherit eternal life through Jesus.

Satisfying Our Inner Thirst

Conrad Hilario
John 4:1-42

The Samaritan woman at the well talks to Jesus and is amazed by all that he knows about her. Her status in the culture at the time does not define how Jesus sees her and chooses to interact with her. She learns that God is the only one who can satisfy our deepest needs. She is quick to want to tell others about her experience; God can and will use anyone who is willing to share His good news.

The Woman at the Well

Scott Risley
John 4:1-42

Jesus breaks tradition by asking a despised Samaritan woman at Jacob's well for a drink of water. Knowing all about her, he offers her living water, exposes her sordid past, answers her theological questions and reveals his true identity. When she realizes he is the Messiah, she leaves her water jar behind, runs back to the city to tell everyone about Jesus, and many Samaritans come to faith because of her testimony. There is great joy in God working through you to impact others for Him!