What Is Wrong with the World?

James Rochford
2 Timothy 3:1-5

In Paul's second letter to Timothy, he discusses how thoroughly messed up the world will be in the end. People will be lovers of self rather than lovers of God. When everyone is living for self, everyone is profoundly disappointed in life. When we put God at the center of our lives, we have substantial healing, healthy marriages and families and a right relationship with our Creator.

Difficult Days Ahead

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy about the difficult times preceding Jesus' return, stating that people will be hypocrites, without love, and unforgiving. Paul tells us to have nothing to do with such people, but to instead strive for a Christ-like character. \r\n

Self-Love in the Last Days

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy that in the last days people will be lovers of self instead of lovers of God. Self-love is a bankrupt way of life. Remember these are the last days, although they are fierce and difficult, God is creating a safe harbor in the storm for those who know Him.

What If You Could Know the Future?

James Rochford
Revelation 1:1-18

Because God has blessed us with the Book of Revelation, we can know the future! Knowing the future brings us happiness because it provides true security during frightening times. It gives us a hope-filled perspective on our suffering. It fills our lives with never-ending love relationships that don't end at death. It inspires urgency because we only get one chance. Will you trust Jesus with 1, your next life and 2, with your current life?

Jesus on the End Times

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 24:1-31

In Matthew 24 Jesus describes the "end times." which includes Jesus' return to earth. He makes it clear that no one knows when this will happen, but there are signs that it is approaching. This could be soon or many years from now, but with the track record of Biblical prophesy coming true, we are wise to be ready for Christ's return, receiving his offer of forgiveness through his death on the cross.

The Transfiguration

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 17:1-13

When Jesus took a few of His disciples up the mountain and was transfigured, He was partially fulfilling His own prophesy that at least one of His disciples would not die before seeing Jesus come into His kingdom. All the disciples were expecting a Messiah who would overthrow the brutal rule of Rome over Israel and reign forever. The presence of Moses and Elijah and Jesus' marvelous transformation confirmed God's promise but not in the way the disciples were expecting.

What Is Important in the End?

James Rochford
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter warns that the end of all things is near. The unbelieving world lives without hope because they think this world is all there is. Death results in a terrifying oblivion. But believers can live a fruitful, meaningful life her and now because we know that there is a reward waiting for us when we die to this world. We can invest in that which is most important, God and other people, while we are here on earth because we know the glories awaiting us in heaven. We know that what we do here on earth has profound effect for eternity.

Parables of the Kingdom

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 13:24-52

The religious of Jesus' time were expecting a Messiah who would end the rule of Rome over them and inaugurate the kingdom of God on earth. Jesus through parables, shows them that they misunderstood Old Testament prophesy. The kingdom of God was not going to begin with a bang but would start small and grow slowly over time. Yes, there will be a great Day of the Lord but only after as many as will turn to God and join the kingdom. God is patiently waiting for more to join His rebellion against the kingdom of this world ruled by Satan.

Friendship and the End of the World

Scott Risley
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter teaches that since the end of all things is near, we should draw near to God in prayer. As the end nears, we will need our relationships to endure the suffering that will follow. We should draw near to others in fervent love, serving, being hospitable and using our spiritual gifts to build up the Body of Christ.