The "Olivet Discourse"

Dennis McCallum
Mark 13:1-37

During this discourse, Jesus reveals portions of what will happen at the end of human history. At the end of the church age, there will be a great period of tribulation like nothing that has been seen before. Incredible technology, increased populations, and moral anarchy will characterize this time that Jesus predicted. With these in mind, there is an urgency for Christians to fulfill God's work before this time, an increased need for healthy Christian community, and a need for alertness to watch for these signs of the end of human history.

The Day of the Lord

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 4:16-5:11

Paul reminds the Thessalonians about the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord refers to God's involvement in the end of the world. No one knows the day or time this will happen but the Bible describes warning signs. Two types of signs include: 1) increasing intensity and frequency of wars, famines, and ecological disasters; and 2) the nation of Israel and the Temple are restored and all nations hear the Gospel. Paul calls Christians to be sober and alert, encouraging one another in faith, hope, and love. It is God's will for Christians to live this way in order to share his Good News with those who have not yet heard.\r\n

The End of History as We Know It

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 11:29-12:10

Daniel predicts the final war of the end times. There is much we do not know, but studying biblical prophecy, and how it has been fulfilled, gives us confidence in God and His power!\r\n\r\n

Seventy Sevens

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 9:24-27

In one of the most famous prophetic passages of all time, Daniel predicts the coming of the future Messiah down to the specific year of his death! Although it involves a little math, this passage is one of the most faith affirming passages in Scripture.

Two More Beasts

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 8

Daniel has a vision and prophecies about future historical figures that will persecute God's people, ultimately pointing towards the "Beast" of Revelations, the Anti-Christ. God has given us evidence to trust Him through already fulfilled prophecies, so we know we can trust the things He has promised us and His predictions for the future!

Globalization & the Regathering of Israel

Dennis McCallum
Ezekiel 37:1-24

Biblical prophecy stands out against other prophecy seen in history, in that it has been fulfilled and verified again and again! Some examples of this are the regathering of Israel and the increasing globalization of our world!\r\n\r\n

The Tale of the Beasts

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 7

Daniel predicts the overthrow and victories of various nations, all of which ended up happening later. He points towards a final battle, at the end of this world. The Bible is clear that this world as we know it will have an end. What side will you choose in the battle?

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 2:1-25

Daniel is the only one who can interpret a troubling dream of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, through God's wisdom and power. The dream contains a prophecy of future empires that are to come, almost all of which have been fulfilled!

The Coming of the Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

Jesus' disciples ask Him about the end times, including: the destruction of the Temple, His coming, and the end of the age. Jesus lets them know that no one will know the time in human history that these events will occur. Jesus reveals that the temple will be destroyed and rebuilt. Before the end of the age the gospel will be spread to all people groups and the Antichrist will come and perform the abomination of desolation. When these things have occurred Jesus will return in the sky with great power. Jesus then calls His believers to be on alert and ready for His second coming.