The Seven Seals

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 6:1-17

John describes a scroll with seven seals that needs to be opened ? the consummation of human history. The Lamb of God is the only one able to break the seals, and the seals release forms of judgment. The first is conquest; the second, war; the third, famine; the fourth, death. The fifth and sixth seals released the martyrs and natural disasters. These first six seals mostly represent passive judgment where the earth is already in agony. The question that remains is this: as the situation worsens, will this tribulation period lead people to turn to God?

The Messianic Kingdom

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 20:1-10

John describes what comes after the end of the final battle: the Messianic or Millennial Kingdom. Christ rules this kingdom for 1000 years (which takes place before the New Heaven and New Earth) with social justice, and care for the poor. Spiritual enlightenment, joy, and biological change will characterize this era of restoration. In this time, the entire world will witness Christ as ruler, the evil heart of humanity will be revealed, and the power of God to destroy Satan will be displayed.

Who is Worthy?

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 4:1-5:14

John is given another vision that displays God's wrath and intent to judge. This passage leads believers and people curious about who God is to consider what justice means and if judgement is warranted on Earth. It also leads to some startling realizations about the world we live in today and how we are closer to this time than ever.

Jesus' Millennial Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:1-10

In John's vision of Jesus' 1000-year kingdom on Earth he sees that it begins with Satan's binding and ends with Satan's brief release followed by his final judgment. Countless numbers of Old Testament passages predict a time in history when the Messiah rules with His people, particularly in the book of Isaiah. There is a sound basis for knowing this will really happen in the hundreds of biblical predictions that have already been fulfilled. We have the opportunity to be participants in this period of history by receiving Christ.

The Victorious Return of Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 19:1-21

In the book of Revelations, John receives a vision of a celebration in heaven, Jesus' return to Earth, and Jesus' defeat of God's enemies. Jesus' first coming was as a savior to suffer and die for humanity, but the second coming will be as a king to judge and rule over humanity. In light of this, we should entrust ourselves to Jesus before he returns and be saved. We should also embrace a way of life that anticipates His return by sharing about God's grace, relying on Him through prayer, and enduring injustice.

Jesus is Coming Back

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 19:1-21

The next piece of John's vision depicts the end of the battle, when Christ comes back and defeats all evil. Heavy on the wrath of God, the passage illustrates that evil is temporary. The lack of knowing when this will happen creates urgency in making a decision about Christ's role in one's life, while the certainty of this event lets believers carry on without bitterness or worry, knowing that God will judge and avenge evil one day.

Jesus' Letters to 7 Groups (Pt. 3)

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 3:6-22

The final churches Christ addresses in John's vision are Philadelphia and Laodicea. While the former is encouraged, Laodicea is completely rebuked. Laodicea was content in the world, and they refused to be more than lukewarm towards God. This passage digs into the dangers of being like Laodicea, including the impact on ministry that can have.

Babylon The Great

Doug Patch
Revelation 18

John elaborates on Babylon, now as a second personality. Besides the harlot that was described in the previous chapter, Babylon is now described as The Great. Babylon now represents a drive within humanity to create a God-tight society, or a society focused on materialism. Materialism is described as dangerous because of its seductive affect on individuals and society, and it is run by Satan. Individuals will need to recognize how they relate to the material world (a list of probing questions is included), and then choose how to respond to this knowledge.

Babylon the Great

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18:1-23

In one of John's visions of the great tribulation, he sees a woman with the title "Babylon the Great," which signifies the way that this spirit of deception works politically and economically. This manifests in three ways: 1) It is the ultimate expression of human empires that defy God's rulership; 2) its materialism corrupts every political and economic system; and 3) it seduces individuals by turning good things into idols that distract and enslave. All of us live under the influence of this entity, and Jesus alone is able to break the "spell" and reconcile people with God.