
Scott Risley
Revelation 19:1-20:6

In the final days, the Church will finally be wed to Christ and there will be a wedding feast to celebrate. Jesus will return powerfully as a king; in stark contrast to his first coming. There will be an end to injustice once and for all as the Beast and the False Prophet are thrown into the fiery lake along with Satan. Jesus will then reign for a thousand years.

Mystery Babylon

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 17:1-18:24

John's vision continues with three "impure spirits" going into the world and gathering people for battle. Meanwhile, the seventh bowl is poured out, and natural disasters rip through the earth. God's wrath is unleashed on those who follow Satan and commit spiritual adultery. An angel explains the mystery of Babylon, walking John through the imagery used around her (Babylon): she presents a false unity and gets people to waste their lives and die. She will eventually fall, showing that the only lasting kind of unity is with God.

Fallen, Fallen is Babylon

Scott Risley
Revelation 16:13-19:7

The city of Babylon was defined in the Old Testament by greed, selfishness, violence, and idolatry. In the book of Revelation, Babylon has the same characteristics, along with being predicted to lead the rest of the world astray have a direct link with the Beast. Here, John identifies Babylon as both the World System (kosmos) and a harlot whose toxic ways we should avoid at all costs. He describes a day of justice when Babylon will be judged for their sins and be cast into the sea.

The Whore of Babylon

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 17-18

Babylon represents humanity rising up in rebellion against God. This rebellion is seen in 5 different venues: 1) spiritual adultery; 2) political power and world domination; 3) materialism; 4) opulence, hedonism, and pleasure; 5) hubris and the desire to find meaning apart from God.

The Seven Bowls

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 14:1-16:21

The next scene in John's vision describes proclamations of God's victory and of the judgment for those who rejected Him. Seven more angels from the Temple pour out the last of the plagues from the bowls they are given. The plagues cause catastrophe like never before, supremely illustrating the fact that living apart from God is always self-destructive.

There is Still Time

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 14-16

The end times mark the beginning of the end of human history on earth. During this time period God's wrath is poured out on humanity through the bowl judgments. As things go from bad to worse there is still time for people to repent. A possible reconstruction of the last battle which takes place at Armageddon is included as well.

Armageddon & the Seven Bowl Judgments

Scott Risley
Revelation 14:1-16:21

There will be a time during the tribulation when the dead and alive will both either be punished or rewarded for their actions. The 7 bowls of judgement include: 1) sores, 2) sea turns into blood, 3) fresh water turns into blood, 4) scorching sun, 5) darkness, 6) gathering for war, 7) the final battle of Armageddon. In the battle of Armageddon, the Beast will flood into Jerusalem but God will ultimately be victorious and pour out his wrath.

The Beast(s)

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 13:1-18

Three Beasts emerge in the next part of John's vision. The roles of the first Beast are reinforced by prophecy from Daniel, including his humanity, his total world dominion, and the abomination of desolation. The Beast will persecute the people of God, but will ultimately be destroyed by Christ when he returns. The course of history that would allow these predictions is dissected, and the possibility of this prophecy becomes clear.

The Beast & the False Prophet

Scott Risley
Revelation 13:1-18

During the end times, the Beast and the False Prophet will rise up and rule for a period of time. Some of the characteristics of the Beast include: 1) rises to power in an empire consisting of 10 nations; 2) he establishes a world-wide government for the first time; 3) he is able to control what people buy and sell, worldwide; 4) he gains control of the world in only 3.5 years; 5) he commits an "abomination of desolation"; 6) he launches a war so destructive that God has to step in before the life on earth is wiped out completely; 7) this happens during a time when Israel is regathered and exists as a nation; 8) during his reign, God ends history as we know it and establishes the kingdom as God.