The Tongue

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 14:26

James told us that the tongue is hard to control and it can do a lot of damage. What we say can be very encouraging, or dangerously damaging. We are called to speak to others like we are saying the utterances of God.

Hope in the Midst of Suffering

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 8:15-23

God will fill us with hope in the midst of our suffering as we trust in His promises about eternal life. The foundation of our hope is our adoption into God's family. We can also confidently hope in our inheritance; being glorified with Christ. God will heal all of this world's brokenness and give it beauty we've never seen before. However, like Christ, before we receive our inheritance we must suffer. We can have assurance in these promises through the down payment of the Holy Spirit as a guarantee.

Vision of Future Glory

Jim Leffel
Daniel 12:1-4

In Daniel's vision of the angel Michael, he is told that all people will live forever and will be accountable for what they've done. Jesus' resurrection contains a promise that those who receive his free gift of salvation will be put into the Book of Life and raised to eternal life. Those who are raised will be glorified, receiving a restored body, identity, character, and knowledge. God's vast record of fulfilled promises assures us that He will fulfill His word about these things.

The Day of the Lord

Jeff Gordon
Daniel 9:27

An explanation of three events around the end of time on earth: the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord and the Rapture, with Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Post-Tribulation Rapture scenarios discussed. In response, we are to be on guard, stay alert and protected by the armor of faith and love. Encouragement and building each other up are also vital to our spiritual health.

Lessons from the book of Job

Lee Campbell
James 1:19-20

Three of Job's friends heard of Job's suffering and went to him to offer love and support. They entered into Job's suffering and counted the cost to be there for him and bear his burdens. As they tried to sympathize with Job they had some successes and some failures. We can learn some practical lessons from their story on what to do when someone in our life suffers great loss.

Restoring Failed Leaders

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:1

Restoring failed leaders back into ministry is no easy task. For someone who is taking part in God's goal of restoration, the focus should be on hope, grace, and the Christian ethic of love. Continuing to communicate your respect and going deep into the emotions and fears that drove someone's failure is key to their restoration. You must also cling to prayer as God comes in and calls people forward through the road of repentance. Includes an interview with Mike Woods.

The Wisdom From Above or Below?

Dennis McCallum
James 4:1-3

We all have some tendencies to act in the wisdom of the world; as we grow with God, He is going to correct our hearts and minds as to how we act and react to the people around us. God is gracious and will reveal aspects of ourselves to us as we sit under Him in His word. Ultimately God is going to provide the change in our thinking, but it all starts with a saving relationship with God through His son's death on the cross for our sins.

The Power of the Tongue

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 10:20

James talks about the power of our words and how they can bring real good in the lives of others or when handled poorly can tear others down and cause discord. How often do we think of what we are going to say before we say it? When it comes speaking a timely word in a fellow Christians life, or speaking the Gospel to a friend for the first time, we should be in prayer with God so that he may direct our words. Doing this regularly and being immersed in scripture will prepare us to be ready with the Word of God at hand.

Getting Ready to Give

Dennis McCallum
James 1:1-8

Are we willing to turn to God to seek wisdom in the midst of suffering? James talks about perseverance through trials and, with wisdom from God, to consider trials an opportunity for joy. We can turn to God who will give us the strength to make it through trials and shape us in our broken state to be used in His plans. God is going to provide for us if we are sold out for Him in our hearts and minds. When we are provided for through Him we are able to become grateful and able to give out to others who are also going through trials.