And The Other's Too

Dennis McCallum
Judges 7:1-25

Moving on from the Patriarchs, the author of Hebrews lists many more examples of faith. Joshua in Jericho, Rahab and the spies, Gideon, and many more. All these people were messy and sinful and many of them experienced persecution, suffering, and pain, but they chose to persevere in faith and were used by God in spite of their weakness. God's plan is not over, we are also a part of this plan! He can work through anyone and in all things. \r\n

Responding to Radical Grace

Conrad Hilario
1 John 4:17-18

Since Jesus has fulfilled the entire Old Testament Law and forgiven us completely through His own death on the cross, Christians have absolute confidence in approaching God and can experience eternal security as well. This open access to God should foster a love for others that includes thoughtful encouragement and making time to build close friendships, and this counter-cultural love is the basis for authentic Christian community.

The Good Shepherd

Dennis McCallum
John 10:11

God provides for those He calls His own. And He demonstrates this in the image of the good shepherd. We all have choices about whether to lean on Gods leadership or to rebel in autonomy. God as our creator: knows our needs, wants to provide for us, and performs needed correction in the lives of people who follow Him even if it goes unnoticed.

Timothy's Challenge

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 1:1-5

We start the book of 1 Timothy with background on the author Paul the Apostle and on Timothy (who the letter is written to). Paul talks about having a "pure heart and a good conscience, and a sincere faith". How can we have a good conscience serving God in today's world of compromise?

Our Adventure Guide: Following the Trip Leader

Mark Mittelberg
1 Timothy 1:1-5

We often feel unprepared, intimidated, or inadequate when it comes to sharing our faith with others. Mark Mittelberg shares three real life stories - and points out that although it is true that we are not sufficient on our own - God will supply the power and wisdom to do His work! God chooses to work through us, and it is only up to us to respond.

Restoring Evangelism in your Home Group

Doug Patch
John 15:5-8

There are clear biblical principles leaders can use to help spur their home group on to evangelize. Leader's must give a clear biblical case for what God commands in regards to evangelism. They must also lay out how the group is doing in comparison to God's call. Leaders must also communicate how God's grace overcomes underlying sin and encourage people towards what motivates and empowers them to live out the call of evangelism. It is by God's power and grace that moves people to love the lost and so casting this vision is the key motivator.

The Ungifted Evangelist

Pat Reeder
Colossians 4:3

Sometimes watching people who are gifted evangelists leaves us feeling defeated and even jealous, wishing we had the opportunities or skill to do similar things. God calls all of His believers, however, to share His message no matter their gifting. So for the ungifted evangelist, we must be earnest to pray for opportunities to share our faith and to be persistent in prayer. We often may need to put ourselves out there and fail, and we may need to search for new contacts, seeking ways to direct conversations toward spiritual topics. We too can make a impact for God.

Effective Teams

Mike Sullivan
Colossians 4:7-18

Through Paul and his team we learn qualities that make a team effective. Qualities that made them effective were their faithfulness, growth in their roles, giving each other second chances, serving together, fighting together, praying for each other, challenging each other, and loving each other. There was genuine love and closeness. These are qualities that we can develop with the people we serve with. Effective followers of God are on teams and never working alone. Who is your team? What qualities can be developed to be more effective in God's work?

Bearing Good Fruit

Scott Risley
Colossians 1:1-12

Paul begins his letter to the church at Colossae with a prayer. Paul encourages this group for their love for people and the way God has grown them to this point. Paul also prays for the ongoing spiritual growth of this community. Paul encourages the church to bear good fruit for God strengthened by His power and love.