Importance of a Positive Outlook in Ministry

Conrad Hilario
Hebrews 10:32-35

While holding and presenting a positive outlook is scientifically shown to cause others to thrive, spewing negativity just further feeds our negative attitude. The difference is between effective, motivational leadership and defeatism, which leads to unbelief. If we remain with our negative outlook, we are at risk of becoming cold towards the very people God calls us to love. Thus, we should seek a positive outlook in ministry without running to the other extreme of being overly positive. Finally, we can cultivate a positive outlook through several key steps outlined in this presentation.

A Shepherd's Heart

Scott Risley
Acts 20:1-38

Paul encourages the elders from Ephesus. He lays out characteristics of being a Good Shepherd in this speech to the Ephesians. There are also risks when pursuing being a Good Shepherd to God's flock, and there's a responsibility that comes with serving in this way.

A Portrait of Christian Leadership

James Rochford
Acts 20:1-38

Paul gives the Ephesian elders a moving speech to exhort them to lead faithfully. In this portrait of leadership from Paul, there are numerous lessons that apply to leading the church today.

Lessons from Corinth

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:1-22

Paul arrives in Corinth by himself, but was led to Aquila and Priscilla, Jews exiled from Rome, and stayed with them making tents and persuading Jews and Greeks when not working his trade. When the Jews blasphemed Paul, he devoted his ministry to the Gentiles. When Paul became discouraged and feared for his life, he was encouraged by Jesus in a vision to not be afraid because He was with Paul.

Encouragement - Words that Motivate

Patrice McCormac
Ephesians 4:9

Encouragement is words and deeds designed to influence and strengthen another to keep pursuing God's will for their lives. In Ephesians 4:9 we see that encouraging words are spoken for the good of another and directed to the need of the moment. We are able to speak for their good only because Christ has lived a life for our good. We can discern the need of the moment with prayer and learning to listen.

Help for the Hurting - Lessons from Job

Lee Campbell
Galatians 6:2

Jobs friends often get a reputation for being bad comforters, but when we look carefully, we see that they did many things right. We can learn a lot about how to help the broken-hearted through the book of Job, both things we should do and things we should not. We see that we should draw near with compassion to those who are hurting. This includes many components such as being inclusive, sensitive patient, and available. Alongside practicing these things, we should nudge our hurting brother or sister toward hope, because in the end, it is only God who can offer genuine hope.

Speaking the Truth in Love

Ben Foust
Ephesians 4:1-5:4

Speech is a primary topic of Ephesians 4 & 5. Speech is powerful and can have dramatic effects on our lives to build up or cast down. As believers we are called to encourage and admonish one another according to God's will.

Expanding the Threshold of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 12:1-11

In light of the ?cloud of witnesses? mentioned in Hebrews 11, Christians should persevere in the race set before them. This involves throwing off things that could hinder us, and focusing on Jesus Christ and growing with him. The original audience were experiencing suffering and hardships that were holding them back. The author of Hebrews reminds them of God's discipline and His ability to work through all things to bring about growth, and ultimately good, in their lives and in ours!

Running the Race

Conrad Hilario
Colossians 1:28-29

God has given each Christian a unique role in His plan to reach those who do not know Him, and the author of Hebrews compares this plan to an individual endurance race that each person is running. While the race might be tiring and difficult, Christians are to resist the temptation to quit by fixing their eyes on Jesus, the forerunner who empathizes with Christians in their suffering. During this race, God disciplines Christians to refine their character and prove His love for them, and we can experience the benefits of God's discipline if we are willing to submit to it.