The Holy Spirit in the Farewell Address of Jesus

Ryan Weingartner

Before He is crucified, Jesus tells the Disciples that after He is gone He will send the Holy Spirit to help and comfort them. Christians all receive the Holy Spirit when we place our trust in Christ. The Spirit unites us to God, produces spiritual fruit in our lives, and allows us to experience joy and peace, even in times of discouragement.

Living in Unity

Chris Hearty
Romans 15:1-13

Living in unity requires the encouragement of Scripture in order to have the endurance needed to place our hope in God's promises. God's plan has always been for those who believe in him to demonstrate outwardly what is true about them inwardly. The world is going to judge the validity of Christianity by what they observe in the behavior of Christians.

Applying Isaiah's Anonymous Servant Passages

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 53

Many Christians are aware that Isaiah 42, 49, 50, and 53 predict Jesus' first coming. Few realize, however, that the New Testament also applies these passages to Jesus' followers. This workshop explores these applications so that believers can become more effective servants of the Servant.\r\n

Battling Discouragement in Ministry

Doug O'Malley
Isaiah 53

A life dedicated to ministry requires perseverance. There are times of discouragement, deep pain, and failure. Whether it is seeing friends say no to God or facing our own personal weaknesses and failure, doing ministry is tough. How do we face setbacks and discouragement in ministry faithfully? How can we learn not to give up during times of discouragement but actually thrive and grow?

The Comfort of God

James Rochford
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

God's comfort is referred to 29 times in the apostle Paul's second letter to the Corinthians. This is not sappy sentimentalism, Paul graphically describes the reality of suffering but describes the comfort of God in equally powerful terms. And the comfort of God increases as our suffering for Christ increases. We can learn to suffer victoriously by giving thanks, trusting in key Biblical promises, and persevering in faith.

The Gospel and Christian Growth

Mike Sullivan
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Once we've heard the good news about Jesus' sacrifice and God's grace, what comes next? It's tempting to change the gospel in order to make it more appealing to people (such as salvation through works, not faith). But when the gospel is used properly, it can be a powerful tool for serving in difficult circumstances and encouraging others to grow.

Created for Good - Restoring Hope in Our Christian Lives

Brian Adams
Katie Adams
Romans 7:24-25

The fear of falling from grace can at times cripple us, especially when we see other spiritual leaders fall. But while we are capable of evil, we have been created for glory. God created us for good, and he offers his comfort for the fearful. By observing the transformation of the apostle Peter we see a model of grace's power to provide hope and change. In fact we see powerful transformations scattered across the Bible! These examples and truths give us hope in our own Christian lives.

The Conversion of the Thessalonians

Mike Sullivan
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

What led the people of Thessalonica to become followers of Jesus? The messengers (Paul, Timothy, Silas and others) were dedicated, worked as a team and used evidence when they talked about God and Jesus. God pursued them and provided power and conviction. And the recipients were open to hearing the message and making their own decision. They were then motivated to share the gospel with others.

Helping Disciples Develop Time with God

Sara Bott
Colossians 3:16

As we seek to fan the flame, igniting other's time with God, we should seek to understand three main concepts: our role in motivating people, actions through which we can help motivate, and areas in which we should seek to motivate. When we understand what is our role apart from God's, we can imperfectly but effectively motivate others without falling into manipulation. To ignite a fire in others, modeling is important as well as persuading, instructing, encouraging and vision-setting. With these tools, we can help others develop a consistent and faithful time with God that is still centered around grace.