The Second Journey

Dennis McCallum
Acts 15:36-16:11

During Paul's second missionary journey, the following principles are highlighted: 1) ministry is the most important activity in the world, and 2) ministry should be: immediate; contextualized; disciple-based; and led by the Holy Spirit.

A Leavening Agent

Conrad Hilario
Luke 18:9-14

The story of Ananias and Sapphira and the choice they made to try and deceive their fellow Christian workers. God prevented the corruption of the early church by hypocrisy. Satan still uses this "leavening" to try to discredit God and Christianity.

Love Can be Polarizing

Chris Risley
1 Kings 1:5

In any given body of Christ, there often are believers in a variety of different places in their maturity with Christ. When people become stagnant in their faith and possibly heading in the wrong direction, we are called to lovingly step into their lives. This workshop defines polarization, addresses some key considerations, obstacles, issues to address, steps, and how to strike the right tone. With these things in mind, we can be better equipped for the ongoing conversations needed to polarize people.

Being Perfected in God's Love (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:7-19

God's will for Christians is to learn how to receive God's love for themselves and to freely give it to others, and He promises to train Christians on how to love others the way that He has loved them. God's training uses five different methods: 1) Biblical instruction; 2) the Spirit's personal promptings; 3) positive and negative role models; 4) difficult people; and 5) rewards of personal fulfillment and happiness. When Christians choose to commit to God's training program in love, they will experience Him meeting their needs personally.

Running the Race

Conrad Hilario
Colossians 1:28-29

God has given each Christian a unique role in His plan to reach those who do not know Him, and the author of Hebrews compares this plan to an individual endurance race that each person is running. While the race might be tiring and difficult, Christians are to resist the temptation to quit by fixing their eyes on Jesus, the forerunner who empathizes with Christians in their suffering. During this race, God disciplines Christians to refine their character and prove His love for them, and we can experience the benefits of God's discipline if we are willing to submit to it.

Expanding the Threshold of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 12:1-11

In light of the ?cloud of witnesses? mentioned in Hebrews 11, Christians should persevere in the race set before them. This involves throwing off things that could hinder us, and focusing on Jesus Christ and growing with him. The original audience were experiencing suffering and hardships that were holding them back. The author of Hebrews reminds them of God's discipline and His ability to work through all things to bring about growth, and ultimately good, in their lives and in ours!

The Danger of Saying "No" to God

Chris Hearty
Exodus 17:1-7

Jesus is superior to Moses because of His deity and position as God's son, and the author of Hebrews exhorts his audience to hold firmly to the grace that Jesus offers instead of Old Testament rituals. He also warns believers of the dangers of a hardened heart through the example of the Israelites' refusal to enter the Promised Land. It is never too late to return to God and experience His grace.

Passion and Leadership

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 4:12-16

Christians are called to lead by example, and to view ministry as a gift and stewardship from God. In order to live out this call to leadership, we need to have a focused passion. This kind of passion requires commitment, initiative, and strategy.

Discipline Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 4:1-11

Contrary to other religious ideas about discipline, the Bible present discipline as our response to God's initiative and grace. Disciplined spirituality keeps the end goal in mind, is profitable to those who partake in it, and requires a steady diet of God's Word.