God's Discipline

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 12:1-13

The author of Hebrews discusses suffering and how God can use suffering to discipline us like a good parent disciplines a child. It is a mark of our sonship and God often uses suffering to hone our character or make us more dependent on Him. There is no avoiding suffering in this life, but our response can either allow God to use our pain to grow us and help others, or cause us to become bitter, self-centered, and alienated.

Discipleship and Friendship--Growing Together in Love

Lee Davis
Hebrews 12:1-13

Deep friendships are a crucial element of successful discipleship relationships. Too often, discipleship is reduced to a transfer of information, rather than shepherding the whole person, leading them to treasure Jesus above all. True discipleship, in the biblical sense, requires a deep level of friendship that reflects the intimate nature of the Trinity.

The Confluence of Character and Competence in Leadership (Part 1)

Josh Benadum
1 Timothy 3:1-15

Being an effective spiritual leader requires more than charisma or influence. Good character, with the proper equipping is more important. 4 different qualities of this character include: hospitality, not being self-willed, gentleness, and enthusiasm. Josh breaks down the impact of neglecting growth in these areas and how to grow in them also.

The High Cost of Following Jesus

Joe Byler
1 Timothy 3:1-15

Many Christians fall under two traps: 1) legalism - that following Jesus is a list of "do's" and "don'ts" or 2) forgetting or ignoring that Jesus wants to transform your life. This is a sort of "gospel crisis." The truth is that Jesus wants his Gospel to deeply transform our lives as we commit to him. What does it mean to follow Jesus with our lives? We will look at Jesus' call to discipleship and both the difficulties and fulfillment that following his call leads to.

Persuasion vs. Pressure

John Ross
1 Timothy 3:1-15

Being persuasive is a key factor in convincing others to give their lives to God. Using pressure can be counter-productive or ineffective in making our case. This teaching highlights what it looks like to be persuasive for God and how to avoid pressuring people. The teacher explains the effects of pressuring people and what it means about us. With the correct understanding we can create a healthy tension where we work with people, not against them.

The Culture of an Effective Team

Mike Sullivan
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Paul rejoices after hearing news that the church he planted in Thessalonica is doing well. Christians can examine the characteristics of his successful ministry team to form a model for our teams today.

Elisha Joins Elijah

Jim Leffel
1 Kings 19:19-21

Elisha is going to replace Elijah. Good leaders look to replace themselves. This was Jesus's method and it should be the church's method as well. God uses people to build His church. This teaching covers discipleship, growing with God, and also the importance of finishing the race well.

Christian Discipleship Relationships (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:19

Part of building true discipleship relationships means rejecting the overuse of technology. Two primary priorities that Paul mentions: face to face relating and a healthy emotional concern for others' spiritual welfare.

Creative Leadership

John Ross
Mark 12:29-31

Leadership in the Christian sense requires problem-solving, meeting unique needs, and helping improve the spiritual health of others around us. Thus creativity is imperative for success. Creative leadership is a biblical principal, and we would be wise to assess the components: passion, teamwork, wisdom, research, critical thinking and experience. This workshop explores both barriers to creative leadership as well as tips for growth in this area.