Faithfulness or Fruitfulness?

Brian Adams

In evangelism, is the point to be faithful or fruitful?  Many Christians are pained by a lack of fruit-bearing.  We will explore the tension of waiting on God, with working hard.

Christ's Kingdom On Display

Lee Davis
Matthew 5:13-16

The Gospel of the Kingdom has a missional design-that we will reflect and proclaim Jesus' goodness to our neighbors and the nations.

The Greatest Mission on Earth

James Rochford
Matthew 5:13-16

Our mission as Christians is the same as Jesus’--”to seek and save that which was lost.” This is primarily accomplished through the command of the Great Commission–to make disciples. While this may not always be a comfortable undertaking, it is greatly significant--pointing people to the answer to death and the reality of eternal life--and rewarding, as we experience God’s presence.

The Curious Discipler

Chris Risley
Matthew 5:13-16

Using questions can be a powerful tool to draw people closer to God.  Questions allow us to take a humble posture and leave more room for the Holy Spirit to work.  Using questions effectively is a learned skill worth practicing. 

When God Says "No"

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 7

Just because God says, "No," does not mean you asked for the wrong thing, or God does not love or care for you. Sometimes, God has something better for you. Can you trust Him and wait patiently for what He has for you? If you can, you just might see Him come through in ways you never imagined!

Give Us a King

Dennis McCallum
1 Samuel 8-10

The time of the Judges is ending and the people clamor for a king like the other nations. Although God knows this will end badly for the Israelites, He agrees to their demand because He has a better king in mind for the future.

Discipline with the End in Mind

Cindy Botti
1 Samuel 8-10

Cindy Botti walks through discipline in parenting, how discipline changes depending on developmental years, and the concept of parenting with an end goal in mind.

Did Jesus Have Women Disciples?

Rebecca McLaughlin
1 Samuel 8-10

Did Jesus have female disciples? A study of the gospels shows that, if we look at factors like prophesy, discipleship, healing, forgiveness, and spiritual life, the answer is yes. This teaching goes through the remarkable ways Jesus interacted with his female followers, and the special roles God granted women at this time.

The God Who Uses Human Agency

James Rochford
Exodus 17:8-18:27

Even though God is all-powerful, He chooses to accomplish His work through human agency. He works through our weaknesses and through training others. Moses learned to delegate the less weighty problems to other worthy men. He did not over delegate and walk away from his responsibilities. He learned leadership requires humility to receive input from others to ask for help.