Crossing the Jordan

Josh Benadum
Joshua 4:8-24

In order to continue to conquer the land of the Canaanites, the Israelites had to cross the Jordan River, which was a dangerous prospect and a great unknown. It represented a defining moment--something that all of us experience as we are faced with the choice to invite Christ into our life, deciding to live for Him, facing major opposition, speaking up for God, or making a major life decision. This passage teaches us strategies for dealing with these times, including preparing ourselves, letting God lead, taking the first step of faith He asks, and then remembering and sharing what you learn.

Intro to Joshua

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 14:1-45

When God presents the people of Israel the chance to take the promised land, they hesitate because they see the task to attack and take the land as intimidating because of the size of their opponent. We often face a decision to trust God's promises or to base our decision on our own powers or assessment of the situation. When we take our own counsel it seems reasonable, but it becomes progressively corrosive to our faith. Despite Joshua and Caleb's call to obey God, the people ended up acting on their own strength and failed, and this will be the case for us. Decisions of unbelief may lead to permanent damage, although God always welcomes us back to Him.

Walking by the Spirit

Scott Risley
Romans 8:1-17

After explaining the role of the law and how it leads to bondage when we try to live by it, Paul now describes a life of freedom as we live by the Spirit--one that delights in spending time with God and enjoys a relationship of love and trust with our heavenly father.

God's Covenant with Abraham

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 12:1-3

Find out why many scholars think the Abrahamic Covenant is the most important passage in the Bible and why God picked Abraham. God did the heavy-lifting in this bilateral treaty but Abraham responded in faith to His initiative. What is our response to God's initiation in our lives?

Joy and Contentment

Jim Leffel
Philippians 4:10-14

Despite his difficulties, Paul was content, and his contentment produced joy. Paul says contentment is not something we are born with, but is something we can all learn over time. Here he shares his secrets for living with joy, even when life isn't under control or pleasant.

The Holy Spirit

Ryan Lowery
John 14:1-31

Jesus tells his disciples that he would be leaving them soon and that the Holy Spirit will come in his place. He explains why it is better for them--and for today's Christians--to have the Holy Spirit with them than for him to remain.

Praying as a Servant

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 11:5-13

When Jesus instructs his disciples on how to pray, he stresses 3 important attitudes: a willingness to serve, a sense of helplessness, and a boldness. With these attitudes in mind, we can come before God each day, presenting ourselves, and know that He will allow us a lifestyle that will fill us with joy and purpose.

Spiritual Confidence

Ben Foust
Acts 3:1-4:31

As the early church continues, they begin to face challenges from local authorities. In spite of setbacks, the early church leaders act courageously and speak boldly for Christ, confident in His power as they go forth in His name. In the same way, Christians today can have the confidence to boldly proclaim the gospel, knowing that the power of God is at work through us.

The Bread of Life

Ryan Lowery
John 6:1-68

The spiritual reality is most important. Humans want physical safety, comfort, and autonomy. God wants for us to have eternal security, meaning, and community. Some of those who had witnessed Jesus' miracles wrongly assumed that he was performing these signs for entertainment and to meet their desires. Jesus wanted them to see that there is something they need that is far more powerful than the physical: a relationship with God Himself. True followers of Christ should not have conditions on their obedience and commitment to Jesus but are called to trust him fully. God will provide what we need to obey, as we step out to serve Him.