Death: The Final Foe

Dennis McCallum
John 11:1-53

Jesus visits Lazarus of Bethany, who is very ill and then dies, causing Jesus sorrow. However, Jesus says that God will be glorified through this instance and raises Lazarus from the dead. Jesus calls himself the resurrection and life, saying that those who believe in him shall live even when they die, alluding to his work on the cross that would defeat death itself and allow for eternal life for those who put their faith in Jesus. Death was never the intention for people, but because of the fall of humanity, death is the final foe Jesus wished to defeat at the cross. We as humans have intrinsic value, high levels of consciousness and a real existence of a soul, reflecting that we were never made to simply die and cease to exist. This teaching includes interviews of people asking them about their thoughts on the afterlife.

Jesus Steps Forward to the Cross

Jeff Gordon
Matthew 26:39

Many modern people believe that Jesus was a victim of unfortunate circumstances and that his death was a mistake. John, however, writes that Jesus knew full well that he was about to die and willingly gave himself over to be killed by the authorities of his time. Jesus acted in faith in spite of his fears because he knew who he was and where he was going, and we as Christians can make the same decision when God brings suffering into our lives. Furthermore, Christians can respond positively to God's revelation just like some of the authorities in Jesus's day by not distracting themselves from the truth.

I am the Resurrection and the Life

Jeff Gordon
John 11:1-53

Jesus responds to the death of his good friend Lazarus. He comforts Martha in a time of deep distress by reminding her of who he is and the eternal life he offers. He is deeply upset and weeps with the people around him. Then he demonstrates his divine power by raising Lazarus from the dead.

New Life in Christ

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:17-4:6

Believers should be prepared to suffer. Noah suffered and sacrificed a great deal in his life. His rescue came at a significant cost; Christ's rescue of humanity came at an even greater cost. Christ's suffering is the supreme example for us and is also the reason why we can live different lives. Christ suffered so we can have new life.

I Am the Light of the World

Jeff Gordon
Romans 5:6-11

Jesus claims he is the light of the world. He offers direction and protection in this life, the forgiveness of sins, friendship with God and evidence that he is who he says he is through his death and resurrection. According to the Bible, people have two options: 1) choose Jesus' death to pay for our sins or 2) die in our sins and be separated from God. Jesus demonstrated through the Pharisees accusation against the adulterous woman that no one is without sin.

Hope in the Face of Death

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Paul writes to the Thessalonians describing how the Christian life provides real hope amidst death. The promise of a personal, embodied reunion with Jesus Christ gives Christians hope to see their loved ones in Christ who have passed away. This is based on Jesus overcoming death and will occur during the Rapture, where Jesus will return and call up all Christians to meet him up in the air. The implications of these truths are that people need to entrust themselves to Jesus Christ, and for those who are believers in Jesus, they should instruct others with these words.

One More Plague

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 12:1-33

For the final plague God tells Moses to announce to Pharaoh that the first born male of Egyptians and their livestock will die. Moses instructs the Israelites in detail how God will pass over their homes if they sacrifice an animal and paint their door frames with its blood. In reflection, the substitutionary animal offering of the Israelites foreshadows the future death of Christ that pays for all of humanity's sins.

I AM the Resurrection and the Life

Jim Leffel
John 11:1-45

Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, were close friends of Jesus. When Lazarus died, Jesus intentionally set up a drama to draw our focus to his central purpose: resolving the problem of death. Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life and the answer for death. We need to get this incredible message out to a dying world.

Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 15:51-53

Paul clarifies his teaching about the afterlife since it seemed like the Thessalonians misunderstood him. He helps them see the reality of eternity and what they can look forward to. With this in view, Paul encourages them to live with purpose in this life rather than wasting time on empty pursuits.