Joy Rooted in Hope

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:18-26

Paul rejoices because of his hope regarding his future because of his trust in God. He prefers to go to the next life, but is willing to stay longer in this life to serve others for Christ's sake.

Jesus' Supremacy Over Nature

Dennis McCallum
Luke 8:22-56

The subject of miracles is a polarizing one, many people are on one end of the spectrum or the other. Jesus performed miracles; in fact, He did many miracles in His lifetime. And the miracles Jesus performed showed that He had power over the natural world. God created the world through Christ, so He had the ability to alter it. See how Jesus exercised that power through the different miracles He performed in this passage.\r\n

I Am the Resurrection

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:13

Death is inevitable for all of us. We all will experience going through the grieving process of losing a loved one. Death has the ability to derail our faith or draw us closer to God. Through Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus we find God's perspective on death. God too is outraged and in anger over death. We also learn that death on this earth is not the end for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. He has provided the resurrection of the dead giving us hope in the face of death.

Why the Son of God Became a Son of Man

Scott Risley
Hebrews 2:5-18

The Son of God had to become a son of man, fully human in every way for four reasons: 1. to reclaim our lost dominion, 2. to bring us into God's family, 3. to disarm death, and 4. to become our High Priest. We are helpless and He made Himself nothing so He could offer us everything.

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 3:17-19

The interior of the New Jerusalem contains a garden which symbolizes its restorative power. In the Garden of Eden, man first experienced theological, psychological, and ecological separation. This restoration with God, ourselves, and nature is provided only through Jesus' sacrificial death. Those who have received this gift should then tell others.

The Great Tribulation

Jeff Gordon
Matthew 24:7-27

John describes the next part of his vision: The Great Tribulation. The Lamb of God breaks the first four seals on the scroll, releasing four horses and their riders (one of conquest, one or war, one of famine, and one of death). The fifth seal released those who were martyred, and the sixth released natural disasters. The seventh seal released plagues, evil spirits, and God's judgment. The length of time between the beginning of the tribulation and God's final judgment proves His desire to reach out to lost people and His goal of redemption.

The God of the Bible

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 1:1-20

God communicates through John to write to the seven churches in Asia about their new standing in Christ and how they can anticipate His return. John's vision of Christ's deity and a closer look at the elements in the vision reveal Christ's power and motivations as the perfect sacrifice and ultimate master of death.

Hope and the End of History (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Many wonder what happens after death, where the future is heading, or when history might end. For a believer, hope for the future is rooted in the past reality of Christ's resurrection. All Christians have the promise that they will be caught up with Christ and live a transformed life with him forever. Those of us who have this hope should allow it to shape our priorities and guard our hearts, even as we encourage others.

Life After Death

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:13

John illustrates Jesus as the resurrection and the life through Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. This confirms Christ's claim of being the Son of God, anticipates the greater resurrection and guarantees our resurrection so we can face death with hope. Through this account, we learn God feels anger and sorrow about death. Those who know God can grieve death with hope.