Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

James Rochford
1 Corinthians 15:3-20

Does it matter if Jesus rose from the dead? The apostle Paul argues that it's of utmost importance and central to our Christian lives! Can we know if the resurrection actually happened? A variety of evidence is presented, including from sources outside of the Bible: Josephus, Lucian, and Tacitus.

Comfort and Hope

Mike Sullivan
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Christians grieve death in a different way, with hope. Mike discusses our basis for this hope, how we will be reunited with Christ and other believers in heaven, and how we should respond to this hope.

Stephen's Defense

Ben Foust
Acts 6:8-7:60

Just before his stoning by the religious leaders, Stephen answers their charges in an eloquent speech, showing through the scriptures two themes from Israel's history that continue to the present day: that holy ground is wherever God is, and that God's representative is often rejected by His people. We are challenged to examine our own heart before God and not be hardened.

Fallout from the Fall

Scott Risley
Romans 5:19

Adam and Eve had sons named Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel, and with this Cain committed the first murder. God disciplined Cain for his act of murdering Abel. God also gave us notice that he was going to send His son to save humanity.

Life out of Death

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:15-16

During a Jewish feast, many Greeks seeking spiritual insight come to see Jesus. Jesus gives the illustration of a seed falling into the ground and dying to bear fruit; teaching the principle of life-out-of-death. He applies this principle in 3 ways: 1) out of Jesus' death we receive eternal life; 2) as we die to self and sacrifice our fleshly desires, we gain a deeper spiritual life;3) our ongoing death to self brings life to others.

He Is Risen!

Scott Risley
John 20:1-18

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a hotly debated topic denied by atheist scholars and surprisingly, by many so-called Christian scholars. A common reason for this denial is the belief that the four Gospel accounts are inherently contradictory and cannot be fit together. Fortunately, the four Gospel accounts can be harmonized and the evidence for the resurrection is quite compelling. What do you think is the best explanation of the evidence for the resurrection?

Exploring Eternity (Part 3) - Minds Fixed on Eterntiy

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:15-16

Investing in heaven is the wisest choice we can make. It starts with setting our mind on heaven in this life. Here are five things to consider: 1) people are the only lasting commodity; 2) eternity reminds us why temporal pursuits never satisfy; 3) a mindset on eternity reminds us our suffering has a purpose; 4) eternity reminds us to be faithful with the small stuff; and 5) eternity reminds us that we will all give an account for our lives someday.

A Glimpse into the Afterlife

Scott Risley
Luke 16:14-31

Jesus teaches four lessons about the afterlife through the lives of Lazarus and the rich man--that Hell is a painful place, a conscious place, a just place, and a permanent place. People have a choice to make that will result in heaven or hell. God has a heart for all people and wants all people to choose heaven. His will for His followers is to grow in generosity and share His heart for the poor.

How Greed Makes You Stupid

Scott Risley
Luke 12:13-34

Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool to warn about the problem of greed. When the rich man's crop yielded an abundant harvest, he planned to tear down his barns, build bigger ones to store his abundance of grain, and then take life easy. God tells the man he will die that very night. Jesus explains how life and relationships are more important than money and we should live our lives as stewards, not owners. Jesus says to be generous to God first because it turns our hearts to God and we will store up treasures in heaven.