Different Interpretations of Creation

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 1-2

Many are skeptical of the creation account found in the Bible because it can appear to contradict science. A variety of different approaches have been advanced with significant strengths and weaknesses. Even though we can't be sure which interpretation is the right one, it is possible to harmonize Scripture with scientific observation. More importantly, the primary purpose of the creation account is to assure us that there is a God who created us, loves us, and has a will for our lives.


Ryan Lowery
Genesis 2:4-25

The Bible claims to be God's instruction manual for the human experience, so we should expect it to explain how we got here and what our purpose is. The creation account argues that there is a personal and powerful God. It also argues that we are significant to Him and that He created us for noble purposes. But we have squandered many of the good things God created for us and have a need to be redeemed.

Paul's First Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 14:1-28

Paul and Barnabas continue to speak out about the message of Jesus Christ, while encountering hostility from Jews in the area. Paul preaches at Lystra, sharing that God has made Himself known through external general revelation. The world around us reflects the presence of an original designer, as God has made Himself, His power, and intellect clear through construction of our present universe and the complexity of life. Internally, God has also provided people with internal general revelation, such as moral choices, freedom, creativity, and love. The internal and external evidence points to God's hand in creating and sustaining everything and His deep care for those to know Him personally through Jesus. This teaching includes an interview on the evidence for intelligent design and a movie clip about molecular design.

The Who of the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:15-23

Paul teaches the Colossian church about the supremacy of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the unique and perfect revelation of God. He is also the absolute owner of the entire universe and the sole redeemer of universe. It's from knowing who Jesus is that we can determine what he means for our lives. In this case, Jesus can save people and reconcile them to God through his work on the cross. Once that happens, as we focus on Jesus, we are able to see transformation in our lives.

General Revelation (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:16-20

The argument from design supports Paul's statement in Romans 1 that attributes of God are apparent in creation. The presence of design in our world implies that there is a designer, as the idea of life coming from non-life (abiogenesis) is highly implausible. By examining creation, one can also discover characteristics of the creator, such as intellect and power. Despite the evidence, some still choose to suppress the truth and not believe. Video clip included with Dean Kenyon, author of "Biochemical Predestination," discussing the unlikelihood of such a concept.

Lessons on Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 4:2-10

Biblical faith is founded on the assurance that God finely-tuned the universe at His command. Walking by faith includes remembering God's desire for the heart rather than outward works, as evidenced by the story of Cain and Abel. This account reveals Abel's humble dependence contrasted with Cain's works mentality before God. Developing a humble trust and responsiveness to God's calling is essential in the life of faith.

The Fall of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:1-17

Before the fall, the world was complete and good. Satan entered the Garden of Eden and distorted the word of and casting suspicion on God, tricking Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This caused alienation: psychological, theological, sociological, and ecological. Now, humans have the opportunity to be reunited with God through trust.

The Nature of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:15-25

Two more characteristics of humans are described: 1) unity and diversity, and 2) being shameless, uninhibited, and free. These ideas relate to the way people view sex, marriage, peace, and anxiety. Because of the choice to eat from the tree in the garden, the previously healthy versions of these have been distorted. The tree of knowledge of good and evil represented autonomy and self rule, while the tree of life represented union with God, which can be regained in Christ.

What is the Human Race?

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:15-20

The human race is made up of characteristics that became distorted after the Fall: 1) benevolent ruler-ship, 2) creative accomplishment, 3) free moral agency, 4) relational, and 5) intellectual creativity. These have applications in our relationship with God, with each other, and in the afterlife.