On the Mountaintop

Dennis McCallum
Luke 9:27-35

Peter, James and John witness Jesus's transfiguration into His heavenly, glorious form on the mountain. Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus, demonstrating that the Law and Prophets bear witness to Jesus though predictive prophecy and typology. Peter didn't want this amazing experience to end, but experiences aren't everything in the Christian life. Patrice McCormac gives her testimony.

On the Mountaintop

Dennis McCallum
Luke 9

Jesus' transfiguration up on the mountain revealed his true glory, while testifying to prophecy concerning Christ from the Old Testament and foreshadowing his work on the cross. The experience that Peter, John, and James witnessed is an example of God using experience to promote further dependence and trust. Often times, people use experience as an idol, instead of trusting in the stability of God's Word and what Jesus did. Developing a category for spiritual experience without needing them for our faith is important for growing Christians.

Two Decisions

Dennis McCallum
Luke 14:28-35

Who do you think Jesus is? Your answer has immense implications, in this life and the next. Jesus asks us not only to trust in his free gift of eternal life, but also to entrust our earthly lives to Him as well. This life of discipleship will cost us everything we have, but in return we'll experience an exciting, fulfilling earthly life and an eternity full of rewards.

The Supremacy of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Luke 8

Jesus' interaction with the demonic gives insight into occult powers. Occult worship is widespread within culture and is demonic by origin. However, Jesus Christ has authority over all demonic spirits and powers. The response to encountering occult and demonic powers is to ask for Jesus Christ to come into your life for spiritual protection, to discern what is from God and what is from other demonic forces, and separating ourselves from the occult.

Build Your Foundation on the Rock

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus' final admonition on his Sermon on the Plain centers around the foundation to which people will build their life upon. There are many foundations that we can build our life around, including our family, materialism, and personal desires. However, real life fulfillment will come from placing Jesus at the center of our lives and living for him before all else. This teaching includes a testimony from a man named Chad who made Jesus the foundation for his life.

Fishers of Men

Dennis McCallum
Luke 5

Jesus' calling of the 12 disciples was towards a life that was a thrilling mission orchestrated by Jesus. The disciples were willing to suffer for the sake of Christ and ultimately led the way during the early church movement. God's call on people's lives is for their good and for the good of others. For those who encounter Christ, they should be willing to get equipped and ask for his forgiveness.

Jesus' First Sermons

Dennis McCallum
Luke 4

Jesus' first teachings centered around God's Word as he simultaneously performed miracles. These miracles were used to authenticate Jesus' message, for symbolic teachings, and to demonstrate Jesus' authority over the demonic spirits and even death itself. Jesus Christ's message was for the humble and not the self-righteous, as he showed people's need for forgiveness through him apart from any human works.

Christ and Fulfilled Prophecy

Dennis McCallum
Luke 3

The genealogy of Jesus Christ is a powerful apologetic for the authenticity of God's Word. God's plan revealed through His Word has been in place for thousands of years. The genealogies reveal God's grace as he uses common and sinful people to advance His plan through Christ, highlighting the hypocrisy that Jesus would combat during his ministry.

The Birth Narratives

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 2:1-12

The birth narrative of Christ depicts a life characterized by rejection and exclusion from the beginning. King Herod was threatened by Christ taking his rule and sent Magi to find Jesus. The Magi were honestly seeking to know who Jesus was, an attitude that is still essential today when it comes to Jesus. The birth narrative of Jesus is ironic given Jesus' work and what he would accomplish at the cross for those who rejected him.