Jesus' Crucifixion

Gary DeLashmutt
John 19:16-42

John focuses on the prophecy that was fulfilled through Jesus' crucifixion and the emotional suffering he endured. In addition to the physical pain of crucifixion detailed in Psalm 22, Jesus endured the pain of being separated from his Father so he could pay for the sins of all humanity. Jesus' purpose as the Son of God was woven throughout history and John highlights the consistency of God's plan.

Jesus The King

Jeff Gordon
John 18-19

When Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion, he bore the punishment for being "the king of the Jews." What does it actually mean that Jesus was a king? The Jews, based on prophetic prediction, expected Jesus to come in power, might, and authority. Jesus was not the king that they were expecting. There are three things that we can learn from Jesus as king: 1) the king has come and died for the sins of humanity; 2) the king has remained through the Holy Spirit; and 3) the king is coming back to fulfill His promises.

Jesus Before Annas and Pilate

Gary DeLashmutt
John 18:12-19:16

In the course of Jesus' trials, he is taken before four courts. This teaching focuses on the trials before Pilate and the high priest Annas. Typical judicial practices are violated by Jesus' accusers as they desire his death on a cross above all else. Jesus went through a willing separation from his Father so that humanity could be in a relationship with God.

Introducing The "Word"

Scott Risley
John 1:1-17

John the Apostle wrote this letter to persuade people to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. He opens his letter by describing Jesus as the Word - the eternal, personal, creator God who has come to earth and is part of the Trinity. Some received Jesus as Messiah and many did not. How will you respond to Him?

Meeting the Logos

Dennis McCallum
John 1:1-12

John, a disciple and close friend of Jesus Christ, wrote this gospel to a Greco-Roman audience explaining who Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is described by John as "the Word" or the direct revelation of God who is infinite, self-existent and personal and took on humanity for the sake of those who have rebelled against Him. He did this so that through his work on the cross, people could have eternal life. This teaching has a video clip from Joseph Campbell: "When God and Nature Are One."\r\n

Abide In Me

Lee Campbell
John 15:1-8

In this account that John gives of Jesus' life, he slows everything down on the night before Jesus' death. As Jesus and his disciples are walking to Gethsemane, he begins to explain this parable to them. Jesus uses the imagery of vines and branches to explain what it really means to abide in him. When Jesus' followers truly learn what it means to abide in him, several things will happen: believers will be able bear much fruit, cooperate with God's pruning, and desire glory that will be given to God.

Christ's Commandment: Love One Another

Jeff Gordon
John 13:1-35

Love, as described by the Bible, is not just a a feeling. Instead it is a commitment to give someone what they need. To prepare for the last meal he would ever eat, Jesus demonstrated this definition of love by washing his disciples' feet-- the task of a slave. This demonstrated the lengths he was about to go to in order to wash their sins away. Some were uncomfortable allowing him to serve them this way, just as we are in our hearts when it comes to letting God address our sin. Once Jesus has cleansed us of our sin, he asks us to selflessly love others with the love we've been shown.

Jesus: the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy

Jeff Gordon
John 12:12-30

Jesus' whole life was a fulfillment of several different prophecies. He intentionally entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey to fulfill a prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. This was one of the only prophecies about his life that he could have controlled. His choice to enter Jerusalem this way declared to the world that he was the Messiah as predicted.

I am the Resurrection and the Life

Jeff Gordon
John 11:1-53

Jesus responds to the death of his good friend Lazarus. He comforts Martha in a time of deep distress by reminding her of who he is and the eternal life he offers. He is deeply upset and weeps with the people around him. Then he demonstrates his divine power by raising Lazarus from the dead.