Why Does God Have the Right to Rule?

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 4:1-5:14

In John's vision of the throneroom of God, three reasons are given for God's right to rule: 1) God is the only morally perfect Ruler; 2) God is the Creator who owns and cares for His creation; and 3) because Jesus has already paid the ultimate price to save humanity.

Behold, Your King

Scott Risley
Psalms 22:14-18

Death by crucifixion is brutal and bloody, and Jesus' death on the cross was no exception. However, Jesus' death was not merely an execution but rather God's plan for the salvation of mankind, and his death simultaneously fulfilled Old Testament prophecy and satisfied God's wrath. Through his sacrifice, we are able have our moral debt paid in full and to experience a personal relationship with God.


Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 1:1-20

The book of Revelation is primarily a record of visions from God that reveal who Jesus is and what will take place in the future. From John's vision of Christ, it is clear that Jesus is both the Savior who serves us and the King whom we are to serve. The essence of Christianity is an encounter with and surrender to this Jesus who is Savior and King.

We Have Not Been Left As Orphans

Conrad Hilario
John 14:1-27

Jesus told the disciples he was going to be leaving them soon. He explained he was going to be with the Father and the only way for them to come was through him. Jesus told them he would not leave them alone, but God would send them the Counselor, i.e., the Holy Spirit, who had equality with God the Father and the Son. This three-part union is called the Trinity. Through Jesus' explanation of the Holy Spirit, we see eight distinct roles the Holy Spirit has and how they apply to our lives.

Prophecy - The Bible's Own Apologetic

Dennis McCallum
John 14:1-27

Predictive prophecy is an effective apologetic from and for the Bible. There are several key areas of prophecy to highlight: Old Testament typology, the lineage and chronology of the Messiah, historical events, and current fulfillment. Knowing prophecy is constructive to a Christian's faith and ability to defend the Bible.

The Real Jesus (Part 2)

Jenny Hale
Matthew 11:4-6

As a continuation of a previous workshop discussing who the historical person of Jesus was, this second discussion explores whether Jesus really did perform miracles. First, we must determine whether what we read about Jesus and his miracles in the Bible are truly what the original authors wrote. Second, we must ask if Jesus really did perform miracles, and if so, why. Finally, the discussion expands outward to reflect on the supernatural universe that God has created and the possibility of divine intervention into our physical world.

The Real Jesus (Part 1)

Jenny Hale
Matthew 11:4-6

Jesus Christ is arguably the most influential person to ever live, despite the fact that his public ministry only lasted several years, and he never traveled extraordinarily far. So who really was Jesus? Extrapolated from a class on this subject, this first workshop explores historical evidence for Jesus' existence through a plethora of extra-biblical sources. This workshop also provides evidence for the reliability of the gospel writers and the canonicity of the New Testament.

The Light of the World

Scott Risley
John 8:12-59

Jesus warns his critics and the crowd that he is the light of the world. He is our greatest need. Without Jesus, we will walk in the darkness which is a life of confusion rather a life of freedom from sin and a life headed to eternity.

Jesus on the Cross

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 22:1-22

On the cross, Jesus cried out three things. Jesus demonstrates God's love as he prays for those cursing him in the midst of his suffering. He also quotes Psalm 22 in order to show that things are going exactly according to God's plan. Finally, he proclaims that the work of atonement is finished. We are left with the task of telling others about his sacrifice.