The Reality is Christ

Conrad Hilario
John 3:19-22

All religions feature rituals, but Christianity's rituals from the Old Testament differ from other religions in that their purpose is to pre-authenticate Jesus' mission. Besides being a shadow of what was to come with Christ, rituals also functioned as physical depictions of God's character for the Jews. The author of Hebrews details three specific aspects of these rituals to demonstrate Christ's complete fulfillment of them: the tabernacle, the role of high priest, and the innocent victim needed for the atoning sacrifice. Because of Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament system, we as Christians are freed from our moral guilt and no longer are obligated to follow the Mosaic Law.

A Change of Priesthood

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 14:18-20

In the Old Testament, humans could only approach God through a high priest, a role that had to be fulfilled by a man descended from the tribe of Levi. God, however, prophesied through David that one day there would be a priest from the line of Melchizedek whose priesthood would be eternal, and Jesus is that high priest. Since Jesus is the perfect and eternal high priest whose priesthood replaced the old one, humans are no longer under the Old Testament law and can be rescued forever from their sin.

What About Priests?

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 110:1-4

The author of Hebrews argues that Jesus is a legitimate high priest even though he is not from the tribe of Levi. However an obscure character named Melchizedek is of an even higher order than the Levitical priesthood. Jesus is from the order of Melchizedek. The author of Hebrews proves that Jesus is not only King Messiah but also our permanent high priest who has replaced all others. When the Levitical priesthood was nullified, so was the rest of the law. This enables believers to draw near to God.

Spiritual Relapse

Scott Risley
Hebrews 5:11-6:12

Hebrews was written to Christians from a Jewish background who were once sold out for Christ but then reverted back to having priests as intermediaries. The author introduces a six-chapter argument on the superiority of the priesthood of Christ after the order of Melchizedek. This section covers a complicated and controversial passage about eternal security, pseudo-Christians, and lost blessings. God desires that all press on to maturity with a continual diet of learning and action.

Jesus Identifies With US

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 5:21

The genealogy of Jesus reveals that God sent Jesus to identify with all nations as the son of God. Jesus withstanding temptation from Satan shows us how to depend on God to meet our needs and how to resist the Word System (kosmos). We need to learn to rely on God's Word as a source of life and use it to defend ourselves against Satan's schemes. Rather than putting God to the test, we should follow His lead.

Entering God's Rest

Scott Risley
Genesis 2:2

The focus is on entering God's rest. Topics include an explanation of how we know this promise of rest extends to us today, what rest is, and how we can enter it. Whether pursuing salvation or spiritual growth, we can never add anything to Christ's finished work. God invites us to enter into His rest TODAY.

Saying No to God

Scott Risley
Exodus 17:1-7

Written to Christians from a Jewish background who were drifting back to their old ways, the Old Testament is quoted to persuade that Jesus is superior to Moses. Just as their ancestors said ?no? to Moses and hardened their hearts, so we can say ?no? to God to our danger. If we hear His voice TODAY, it's time to start saying ?yes?!

Responding to Revelation

Dennis McCallum
Luke 14:18-20

God's goal is to bring as many people as possible into His family. All people are members of the sinful human race and need a perfect sacrifice for their sins in order to be part of God's family. To pay for the sins of humanity Jesus had to be like a man in every respect. He sacrificed his perfect human life to cover the sins of humanity.

Why the Son of God Became a Son of Man

Scott Risley
Hebrews 2:5-18

The Son of God had to become a son of man, fully human in every way for four reasons: 1. to reclaim our lost dominion, 2. to bring us into God's family, 3. to disarm death, and 4. to become our High Priest. We are helpless and He made Himself nothing so He could offer us everything.