God's Ways Always Triumph in the End

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 3:8-4:2

The idea that God blesses those who are righteous and punishes those who are wicked is challenged by our observations about the world around us. In an eternal sense, those who trust in Christ will ultimately win out. Though Christians may suffer in this life, they have the opportunity to share God's love with with confidence that it is worth it in the end.

Preparing Our Minds for Action

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:13-22

Because humankind has a natural inclination towards selfishness, a passive mental mindset leads to a self-centered life. In order to resist a culture that propagates these values, Christians must prepare and sharpen their minds. The grace of God stands against this paradigm and allows us to love others in a radical way.

Suffering in Perspective

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:3-12

Christians are given an eternal hope that is in stark contrast to the cynicism of modern-day culture. Perseverance through pain, suffering, and trials requires confidence in this living hope. The result of suffering victoriously through trials is a purified and strengthened faith.

Our Approach to Scripture Matters

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:1-2

In order to adopt an authentic Biblical lifestyle, we need to learn to interpret scripture accurately. By looking at the historical context and paying close attention to what the author says, we can arrive at much deeper conclusions. As we allow truth to affect our lives we are likely to encounter opposition from our culture. This is why we need to take a stand on the spiritual reality outlined in the Bible, and remember that our citizenship is in heaven.

Devastating Effects of Living for Money

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 6:3-19

Scripture informs us that God has given us money as a stewardship meant to provide for the needs of the poor. A life of materialism generates profound unhappiness and anxiety, and money can often ravage one's spiritual life as it becomes a false substitute for God. Those who choose against a futile lifestyle of materialism and instead choose to give to God's cause will be richly rewarded in heaven.

How Does Lasting Change Happen?

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:1-11

Being "in Christ" means that we have received a new identity where we are victorious, totally acceptable to God, and have the hope of heaven. We need to set our mind on these things as we resist the old self and act as the people that God has made us to be. The song "Ain't No Grave" by Claude Ely was performed to illustrate victory over death.

Glimpses of the New Heaven and New Earth

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 21:7-22:21

Common views of the afterlife include annihilationism, reincarnation, and soul sleep. However, Revelations gives a glimpse of heaven that is physical with elements of symbolism as well. New Jerusalem is described in detail as well as its new inhabitants. Several quotes from Randy Alcorn's Heaven are included to help the listener imagine what heaven will be like.

The Old Order Has Passed Away

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 20:7-21:7

The human heart rebels at every chance it gets, but God has gone to the furthest point possible to show that he is loving and just. This is evident in: 1) Satan's destruction; 2) the Great White Throne Judgment ; 3) the Bema Seat Judgment; 4) the creation of new heaven and new earth. In addition, common objections to the concept of hell are addressed, along with the question ?how can a loving God send people to hell??

Eternity Future

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 20:6-22:21

The last piece of John's vision shows Satan being released from his prison. He spends his time deceiving people before being cast into the lake of fire eternally. Those who died are all before God, and he judges them according to their works or by Christ's death, depending on which book their name is in. The Book of Life contains the names of all the people who accepted Christ's death as their payment for sin. Everyone else joins Satan. John sees the new Heaven and Earth brought to life, and God dwells among the people who live there in eternal beauty and security.