How to be Rich and Successful

Dennis McCallum
Luke 12:33-48

Living for Jesus gives us the opportunity to invest in spiritual rewards in the next life. When Christ returns, each person will be assessed with how they used the resources God gave them and rewarded for their work. In light of his return, we should seek ways to build up the Body of Christ and invest our lives into the eternal work God has for each of us. This teaching includes interviews asking people about heaven.

The Christian View of the Afterlife

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:19-26

Paul finds that faith in Jesus Christ offers a foundation of joy not found anywhere else. Through Jesus' forgiveness, Christians are provided deliverance from the fear of death, a new perspective in adverse circumstances, and motivation to serve God and other people. This is unlike anything other worldviews present. Christians have a God who is personal, who offers us assurance of salvation and eternal life, and who gives us plenty of evidence for His existence. This is what makes Christianity unique.

Focusing on Eternal Things

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:17-5:11

Paul describes the difference between the "earthly tent" and the "building of God". These are descriptions of us currently living in these imperfect bodies who long for the eternal experience of life with God in heaven. The building of God is much stronger and built for eternal existence. We have a taste of what life will be like with God through His seal of the Holy Spirit but even this is just a hint of the intimate relationship with God that is to come when we meet Him face to face.