Cultivating an Eager Anticipation of Jesus' Return

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Peter 3:1-16

Peter gives us three ways to cultivate an eager expectation of Jesus' return?one for our hearts (what we desire), one for our heads (what we understand), and one for our hands (what we do; how we live). When you love Jesus with your heart, head, and hands, your life will become much simpler and fuller?and your desire for his return will grow. \r\n\r\n

The Presence of God

Gary DeLashmutt
John 17:21-24

The heart of heaven is being in God's presence. The biblical description of heaven is very different than in any other religion because the God of the Bible is very different that in any other religion. The picture of God in the Bible is that of a community of three beings in one. If we will spend the rest of eternity in community, we should start developing a taste for it now by prioritizing time with other Christians.

Hope in the Midst of Suffering

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 8:15-23

God will fill us with hope in the midst of our suffering as we trust in His promises about eternal life. The foundation of our hope is our adoption into God's family. We can also confidently hope in our inheritance; being glorified with Christ. God will heal all of this world's brokenness and give it beauty we've never seen before. However, like Christ, before we receive our inheritance we must suffer. We can have assurance in these promises through the down payment of the Holy Spirit as a guarantee.

Vision of Future Glory

Jim Leffel
Daniel 12:1-4

In Daniel's vision of the angel Michael, he is told that all people will live forever and will be accountable for what they've done. Jesus' resurrection contains a promise that those who receive his free gift of salvation will be put into the Book of Life and raised to eternal life. Those who are raised will be glorified, receiving a restored body, identity, character, and knowledge. God's vast record of fulfilled promises assures us that He will fulfill His word about these things.

The Next Life: What If It's True?

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Paul shares his perspective that his life won't truly begin until he is with Christ in heaven. This is typically the opposite of most Americans whose cling to this life for comfort and pleasure but end up disappointed and broken. Paul's focus on the next life has brought him encouragement during persecution, imprisonment, and intense suffering. A deeper understanding of the next life transforms our hearts and our lives.

Life and Death

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 15:54-57

Paul explores life and death and how our view of death influences how we live our lives. Jesus has conquered death and provided us a sure afterlife. Video testimony by Wayne Talarzyk included.

Joy in the Midst of Suffering

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 1:1-9

Peter provides 2 insights about having joy during times of suffering. First, God will grant us a glorious inheritance in heaven as his adopted children. Second, God, like a goldsmith, is refining our faith through our sufferings.\r\n

God's Sovereignty

Dennis McCallum
Romans 9:1-24

God's choice is to use Israel in His plan up to a point in time. If interpreted incorrectly, this passage can be misunderstood to be about predetermined eternal destiny. By examining this passage within the context, using exegesis, we see that this passage is about God's choice to use Israel, NOT about personal salvation. Human free will is the determining factor in salvation.

I Have Fought the Good Fight

Jeff Gordon
2 Timothy 4:5-8

Paul is looking at the end of his life with a positive perspective. He has persevered in his life with the Lord with faithfulness. He now looks ahead to the rewards that God will give him in heaven. These rewards are available to anyone who has a long-term perspective that we live in eternity. There is more to life than meets the eye because the way we lives our lives have an eternal impact.