The Helper

Dennis McCallum
John 14:1-31

Jesus is still with his disciples in the Upper Room as he begins to fill them in on what will happen after he leaves to be with the Father. Jesus tells the disciples that once he leaves, he will leave them with the Holy Spirit and highlights eight different ways the Holy Spirit will minister to believers: 1) empowering; 2) interceding; 3) transforming; 4) sealing; 5) indwelling; 6) regenerating; 7) baptizing; and 8) enlightening. Being led and understanding the role of the Holy Spirit is vital for Christians becoming effective in following God.

Sowing & Reaping

Jeff Gordon
Galatians 6:7-18

The Bible presents two options that we may put our effort into: either the things of the flesh, which are perishable; or the things of the Spirit, which will produce an eternal harvest. To sow to the Spirit with perseverance, we must deeply hold an eternal perspective.

The Great Banquet

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 14:15-24

Jesus' parable about the Great Banquet sheds light into God's invitation for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Jesus uses the parable as a warning to those who think they're in the Kingdom of God when they are not. Being admitted into God's kingdom is based on an active response to his invitation through Jesus. The parable also looks ahead to heaven, which will include a diverse population of people who have placed their faith in Christ as a result of other Christian's sharing the message of the cross with them.

Hope and the End of Human History (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:1-8

According to the Bible, Christ will return to bring with him both the blessings of salvation and accountability for human sin. The signs that will precede this include a receding spiritual climate, a man of lawlessness opposed to Christ, and an increase in war. Living with this end in mind means maintaining an active and informed faith, pursuing love that stands out from our culture, and holding on to hope for this future transformation.

Hope and the End of History (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Many wonder what happens after death, where the future is heading, or when history might end. For a believer, hope for the future is rooted in the past reality of Christ's resurrection. All Christians have the promise that they will be caught up with Christ and live a transformed life with him forever. Those of us who have this hope should allow it to shape our priorities and guard our hearts, even as we encourage others.

Death: The Final Foe

Dennis McCallum
John 11:1-53

Jesus visits Lazarus of Bethany, who is very ill and then dies, causing Jesus sorrow. However, Jesus says that God will be glorified through this instance and raises Lazarus from the dead. Jesus calls himself the resurrection and life, saying that those who believe in him shall live even when they die, alluding to his work on the cross that would defeat death itself and allow for eternal life for those who put their faith in Jesus. Death was never the intention for people, but because of the fall of humanity, death is the final foe Jesus wished to defeat at the cross. We as humans have intrinsic value, high levels of consciousness and a real existence of a soul, reflecting that we were never made to simply die and cease to exist. This teaching includes interviews of people asking them about their thoughts on the afterlife.

Is Hell Divine Overkill?

James Rochford
John 11:1-53

The doctrine of Hell is widely disputed amid Christian and Non-Christian circles alike, but it is important to take a closer look at what the Bible does and does not say on the subject. James Rochford, apologist, author, and Bible teacher, walks through a series of objections and their answers and ultimately offers a compelling explanation that lines up with the rest of biblical teaching.

Jesus' Arrest

Gary DeLashmutt
John 18:1-11

Jesus is arrested and begins the process that will end with the crucifixion. When faced with this suffering Jesus endures by fixing his mind on his future glory with God. In times of adversity, believers can fix their minds on heaven to instill hope in this life.

The End of the World

Scott Risley
2 Peter 3:1-18

Peter discusses the last days when Jesus will return and there will be a final judgment. Reasons to believe Jesus will return are: 1) It was predicted by prophets and is significantly emphasized in the New Testament 2) Our world is not just as it was; it is changing to match the predictions laid out in Scripture 3) God has judged the world before, e.g., Noah and the Flood. God is waiting for this to happen so more people will turn to Him.