The Problem of Evil

Brian Adams
Job 40

When wrestling with the problem of evil, one must recognize one's limits. None of us have the whole picture of what God is doing in the midst of our suffering. A focus on heaven will transform the way we view suffering. Remember that God suffers with you and for you. The cross is a constant reminder that God is familiar with suffering and understands any suffering we go through.

Glimpses of Heaven

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 21-22

The glimpses of heaven that John received were beyond his ability to describe in human language. Pondering the marvels of heaven while in this life enable the Christian to persevere in this life and prepare for the next.

The Return of the King

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 19-20

When Jesus comes back and inaugurates the Millennial Kingdom, He will bring about true social justice, world peace and spiritual enlightenment. Nature will never again harm humans, and though mortal, the inhabitants will not suffer from sicknesses. All will celebrate with great joy. After the Millennial Kingdom closes, there will be one more rebellion which Jesus will snuff out and then comes judgment. Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire along with anyone who did not choose to ask Jesus to forgive their sins.

Lazarus and What's His Name?

Patrice McCormac
Luke 16:19-31

Although being wealthy is not a sin, it can blind us to the things of God. God gives each of us a measure of wealth, whether a little or a lot, with the intent that we use it to bring Him glory. God has a great concern for the poor. We can use our wealth on our selves as the rich man did or we can use it to serve the poor and bring glory to God.

How to Live in Light of Christ's Return

Patrice McCormac
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Paul comforts the Thessalonians by reminding them of what he told them regarding the Day of the Lord. Knowing that this life of trials and pain is not all there is, can impact how Christians live in this world. We can live with hope and alertness, looking for opportunities to love and encourage one another and not succumb to despair.

Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:9-5:11

In God's plan for humanity, we were never meant to experience death, but since Adam and Eve sinned, we all have or will experience the evil of death. But Christians do not need to fear death as Scripture is clear, when we die, we go immediately to be with Jesus. Jesus promises to someday come back to earth to gather together those who have put their faith in Him, and take us to heaven, whether we have already died or are still alive on earth. Then the Tribulation period will begin.

Is the Afterlife Real?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4

The Bible affirms that the afterlife is real and Jesus is proof of it. Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the source of our great hope, which the world does not have. If you do not have that same hope, why not ask God to reveal this truth to you?

Living Hope

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:1-12

The Apostle Peter teaches us that we can live well as resident aliens in a fallen world, full of trials, where we can have hope because we are citizens of heaven.

Focusing on the Next Life Encourages Us in this Life

Ryan Weingartner
2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10

God promises that suffering in this life will bear fruit in this life as well as the life to come. We can be encouraged by this because we know that whatever we endure is nothing in comparison to the glory to be revealed in the next life. If we fix our eyes on the unseen realities to come, we can bear up under the sufferings this world has to offer.